From: AThompson
Message: 5040
Date: 2005-03-21
Góðan daginn
I think there were only two tricky bits in this section, but we have had examples of both constructions previously in the story:
’ok svá mikit sem honum þótti fyrr fyrir, jók nú miklu á’ with ’mikit’ have the sense of being difficult, and
ok þóttisk finna at eigi hafði frama til, which is the construction: þykkjask (refl) + infinitive
Translation: Auðun - 14
Ok nú of aptaninn, er konungr gekk til kveldsǫngs,
And now during the evening, when (the) king went to Evensong,
ætlaði Auðun at hitta hann,
Auðun intended to meet him,
ok svá mikit sem honum þótti fyrr fyrir,
and as great (difficult) as (it) ) (had) seemed to him before,
jók nú miklu á, er þeir váru drukknir hirðmenninir.
(it) increased now greatly [on] (seemed so much more difficult now), when they were were drink-flushed courtiers,
Ok er þeir gengu inn aptr, þá þekði konungr mann
And when they went back inside, then (the) king recognised a person
ok þóttisk finna at eigi hafði frama til at ganga fram at hitta hann.
and thought himself to notice that (he) had not (the) courage to walk forward to meet him.
Ok nú er hirðin gekk inn, þá veik konungr út ok mælti:
And now when the court went inside, then (the) king turned (ab)out and spoke:
'Gangi sá nú fram, er mik vill finna.
’Walk that one now forward, who wants to meet me.
Mik grunar at sá muni vera maðrinn.'
(It) is suspected by me (I guess, methinks) that that one will be the person.’
-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah Bowen
Sent: Saturday, 19 March 2005 7:30
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun
section 14
Will Auðun come forward or won´t he?
Ok nú of aptaninn, er konungr gekk til kveldsöngs, ætlaði Auðun at hitta hann, ok svá mikit sem honum þótti fyrr fyrir, jók nú miklu á, er þeir váru drukknir hirðmenninir. Ok er þeir gengu inn aptr, þá þekði konungr mann ok þóttisk finna at eigi hafði frama til at ganga fram at hitta hann. Ok nú er hirðin gekk inn, þá veik konungr út ok mælti: "Gangi sá nú fram, er mik vill finna. Mik grunar at sá muni vera maðrinn."
Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
To escape from this funny farm try rattling off an
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