From: xigung
Message: 5007
Date: 2005-03-16
> May I add my two pence Grace,mentioned knew darned well it was unworthy of his participation,
> Hún lét það ósagt. = She refrained from saying it
> Seems to imply leaving it unsaid rather than to cause offence.
> Hann lét það ógert. = He refrained from doing it.
> likewise seems to imply an action left simply because the person
> As I say Grace, that's just my two pence unless we are using NorseCurrency in which case my two kronar
> Kveðjasometimes one
> Patricia
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Fred and Grace Hatton
> To:
> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 11:30 AM
> Subject: [norse_course] left?
> One could also perhaps translate these as:
> She left it unsaid.
> He left it undone.
> Maybe there is an element of left in lét in the sense that
> leaves it up to someone else.
> Hún lét það ósagt. = She refrained from saying it.
> Hann lét það ógert. = He refrained from doing it.
> Grace
> --
> Fred & Grace Hatton
> Hawley, Pa.
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