47547Francesco Brighenti2007-02-21On the origin of the Etruscans
47548C. Darwin Goranson2007-02-21Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47549Rick McCallister2007-02-21Re: [tied] Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47552Francesco Brighenti2007-02-21Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47553ehlsmith2007-02-22Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47557tgpedersen2007-02-22Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47568Petr Hrubis2007-02-22Re: [tied] Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47572tgpedersen2007-02-23Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47579Richard Wordingham2007-02-24Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47586marktwainonice2007-02-24Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47587marktwainonice2007-02-24Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47590tgpedersen2007-02-24Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47593squilluncus2007-02-24Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47594tgpedersen2007-02-24Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47634Francesco Brighenti2007-02-27Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47640tgpedersen2007-02-27Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
47751tgpedersen2007-03-08More on Lydian-Phrygian-Etruscan(?) -st-names
48161tgpedersen2007-04-01Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
48166stevelong3332007-04-01Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
48175ehlsmith2007-04-02Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
48177tgpedersen2007-04-02Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
48178tgpedersen2007-04-02Re: On the origin of the Etruscans, Palmus
48180tgpedersen2007-04-02Re: More on Lydian-Phrygian-Etruscan(?) -st-names
48184tgpedersen2007-04-02Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
48185tgpedersen2007-04-02Re: On the origin of the Etruscans, Palmus, correction
48190ehlsmith2007-04-02Re: On the origin of the Etruscans
48261Francesco Brighenti2007-04-05DNA boosts Herodotus’ account of Etruscans as migrants to Italy
48262Francesco Brighenti2007-04-05DNA boosts Herodotus’ account of Etruscans as migrants to Italy
48263tgpedersen2007-04-05Re: DNA boosts Herodotus’ account of Etruscans as migrants to Italy
48267ehlsmith2007-04-05Re: DNA boosts Herodotus’ account of Etruscans as migrants to Italy
48269tgpedersen2007-04-05Re: DNA boosts Herodotus’ account of Etruscans as migrants to Ital
48281elevans12007-04-07not registering -- Re: DNA boosts Herodotus’ account of Etruscans
48413tgpedersen2007-05-02Re: DNA boosts Herodotus’ account of Etruscans as migrants to Italy