From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 13900
Date: 2009-08-24
> Ma.m so bhikkhu addasa akusala.m aapajjamaana.m ki~ncideva desa.m-------
> kaayena.
> That monk saw me committing some bodily offence.
> Nina, does akusala desa means offence, or does akusala itself means
> offence and desa means something else?
> Y.P.Anattamanavacanaaha.m tena bhikkhunaa vutto samaano anattamano-------
> ahosi.m.
> words of displeasure-I / by that / by monk / said / being / not
> pleased / was
> Being told the words of displeasure by that monk, I was not pleased.
>N: I was annoyed and told others about it.
> Y.P.: Anattamano samaano paresa.m aarocesi.m.
> not pleased / being / to others / announces
> Being annoyed, I informed others.
> ------
> Y.P.: Iti mameva tattha accayo accagamaa su`nkadaayaka.m-va
> bha.n.dasminti.
> thus / me-so / there / overcoming / overcome / one paying tax-
> like / on goods
> Hence, overcoming me there, like one paying tax on goods was
> overcome."
> Y.P.: Eva.m kho, bhikkhave, aapanno bhikkhu saadhuka.m attanaava
> attaana.m paccavekkhati.
> so / indeed / monks / committed / monk / thoroughly / by self-or /
> self / reviews
> So, indeed, O monks, a monk committed thoroughly reflect himself or
> by himself.