Pali Day by Day G046 - The New Pali Course Part II - Ex 18 p133

From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 13235
Date: 2009-01-22

Exercise 18
Translate into Pali

1. "Ko.n.da~n~na heard the news that the Great Being had retired from
the world, and drawing near to the sons of those seven Brahmans,
he spoke to them as follows."
Ko.n.da~n~no / sutvaa / pavattati.m / mahaapuriso /
abhinikkhanto / lokaa / upasa`nkamitvaa / putte / tesa.m /
sattanna.m / brahma.naana.m / so / abhaasi / te / eva.m
"Pavattati.m 'Mahaapuriso lokaa abhinikkhanto'ti sutvaa
Ko.n.da~n~no tesa.m sattanna.m brahma.naana.m putte
upasa`nkamitvaa (te) eva.m abhaasi."

2. "Whether the young prince become a Buddha or a king, we will each
one give a son:
daharo / raajaputto / bhavissati / Buddho / vaa / bhuupaalo /
amhaaka.m / ekameko / dassati* / putta.m
"Daharo raajaputto Buddho vaa bhuupaalo vaa bhavissati, amhaaka.m
ekameko putta.m dassati:

so that if he become a Buddha, he shall be followed... by monks of
the warrior caste."
yathaa...tathaa / sace / so / bhavissati / buddho / so /
bhavissati / anugato / bhikkhuuhi / khattiyassa
yathaa sace so buddho bhavissati, tathaa so anugato bhavissati...
khattiyassa bhikkhuuhi."

* each one of us, "amhaaka.m ekameko", is treated as 3rd person singular.

3. "Sir,"

replied the gods,
paccassosu.m / devaa
paccassosu.m devaa,

"it is because** a son has been born to King Suddhodana, who shall
sit at the foot of the Bo-tree, and become a Buddha."
putto / jaatattaa / Suddhodana-ra~n~no / yo / nisiiditvaa /
muule / bodhino / bhavissati / Buddho
"Suddhodana-ra~n~no jaatattaa putto, yo bodhino muule nisiiditvaa
Buddho bhavissati."

4. "Now those nuns said to Mahaa-Pajaapatii the Gotamii:
idaani / taayo / bhikkhuniyo / vadi.msu / Mahaa-Pajaapati.m /
"Idaani taayo bhikkhuniyo Mahaa-Pajaapati.m Gotami.m vadi.msu:

Neither have you received the upasampadaa ordination, nor have we;
na / tumhe / laddhaa / upasampada.m / na / maya.m
Tathaa na ca tumhe na ca maya.m upasampada.m laddhaa;

for it has thus been laid down by the Blessed One:
yathaa..tathaa / ta.m / eva.m / pa~n~natta.m / Bhagavataa
yathaa Bhagavataa ta.m eva.m pa~n~natta.m:

'Nuns are to be ordained by monks.'"
bhikkhuniyo / upasampaadetabbaayo / bhikkhunaa
'Bhikkhuniyo bhikkhunaa upasampaadetabbaayo.'"

5. "Be it so,"
hotu / ta.m / eva.m
"Eva.m ta.m hotu,"

said the venerable, and praising the words spoken by the
venerable Mahaa-Kaccaana, ... he put his sleeping place in
order... and departed on his way to Saavatthi.
aaha / aayasmaa / / thomento / vacana.m / vutta.m /
aayasmataa / mahaa-kaccaanena / so / pa.tisaametvaa /
senaasana.m / nikkhami / tassa / magge / Saavatthi.m
aayasmaa aaha, aayasmataa mahaa-kaccaanena vutta.m vacana.m
thomento, ... so senaasana.m pa.tisaametvaa... Saavatthi.m (tassa)
magge nikkhami.

6. "But those ministers who had advised that neither should the
prince be slain, nor Devadatta, nor monks, but that the king
should be informed of it, ... them he advanced to high positions."
pana / ye / mantino / anusaasu.m / na / raajakumaaro /
maaretabbaa / na / devadatto / na / bhikkhavo / pana / raajaa /
aarocetabbo / tassa / te / so / va.d.dhaapesi / ucca.t.thaanaani
"Pana ye mantino 'na ca raajakumaaro na ca devadatto na ca
bhikkhavo maaretabbaa, pana raajaa tassa aarocetabbo'ti
anusaasu.m, ... te so ucca.t.thaanaani va.d.dhaapesi."

7. "And the Raajaa of Magadha, Seniya Bimbisaara, said to the prince
ca / raajaa / magadhassa / seniyo / bimbisaaro / abhaasi /
raajaputta.m / ajaatasattu.m
"Ca magadhassa raajaa seniyo bimbisaaro raajaputta.m ajaatasattu.m

Why did you want to kill me, prince?"
kasmaa / tva.m / icchi / maaretu.m / ma.m / raajaputta
Kasmaa tva.m ma.m maaretu.m icchi, raajaputta?"

8. "If you then want the kingdom, prince, let this kingdom be yours."
sace / tva.m / tadaa / iccheyyaasi / rajja.m / raajaputta /
ida.m / rajja.m / hotu / tuyha.m
"Sace tva.m tadaa rajja.m iccheyyaasi, raajaputta, ida.m rajja.m
tuyha.m hotu."

And he handed over the kingdom to Ajaatasattu, the prince.
ca / so / pa.ticchaapesi / rajja.m / ajaatasattuno / raajaputtaaya
Ca so ajaatasattuno raajaputtaaya rajja.m pa.ticchaapesi.

9. "Yes, Reverend Sir,"
aama / bhante
"Aama, bhante,"

said the venerable Aananda to the Blessed One in assent, and
spread the couch with its head to the north between twin sal-trees.
bhaasitvaa / aayasmaa / aanando / bhagavanta.m / anumatiyaa /
atthari / ma~ncaka.m / tassa / siisena / uttaraaya / antaraa /
yamakaana.m / saalarukkhaana.m
aayasmaa aanando anumatiyaa bhagavanta.m bhaasitvaa, yamakaana.m
saalarukkhaana.m antaraa uttaraaya (tassa) siisena ma~ncaka.m

10. "Why has my son returned so quickly?"
kasmaa / (hoti) / mayha.m / putto / pa.tinivattito / eva.m /
"Kasmaa mayha.m putto eva.m siigha.m pa.tinivattito hoti?"

asked the king.
pucchi / raajaa
pucchi raajaa.

"Sire, he has seen an old man,"
deva / tena / di.t.tho / mahallako / naro
"Deva, tena mahallako naro di.t.tho,"

was the reply;
ahosi / pa.tivacana.m
pa.tivacana.m ahosi;

"and because** he has seen an old man, he is about to retire from
the world."
so / di.t.thattaa / / nara.m / so / aasanno /
apagantu.m / lokasmaa
" nara.m di.t.thattaa so, so lokasmaa apagantu.m

** There is no word in Pali exactly corresponding to 'because', it
should be translated with kaara.naa or ttaa (both in the ablative),
joined to a past participle. For instance: "because he has seen" may
be translated: di.t.thattaa, di.t.thakaara.nena or di.t.thakaara.naa.


Please correct me if there is any mistakes.

Yong Peng.

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