Pali Day by Day G045 - The New Pali Course Part II - Ex 18 p133

From: flrobert2000
Message: 13200
Date: 2009-01-17

Exercise 18 p133
Translate into English

1."Na tassa.m parisaaya.m koci devo abhivaadeti vaa paccu.t.theti
vaa."D. ii, 226. [Diighanikaayo,, 5.
Janavasabhasutta.m, Sana"nkumaarakathaa]
not / his / [in] assembly / whoever / deity / bows down / or / rises
from the seat / or
Not one God in his assembly bows down or rises from the seat

2."Paa.taliputtassa kho, aananda, tayo antaraayaa bhavissanti : aggito
vaa udakato vaa mithubhedaa vaa." D. ii, 88. [Diighanikaayo,, 3. Mahaaparinibbaanasutta.m,
[to] Pataliputta / indeed / Ananda / three / dangers / will be /
[from] fire / or / [from] water / or / [from] internal dissension / or
Pataliputta will indeed face three dangers : danger from fire, danger
from water and danger from internal disenssion.

3. "Mahaajano attano attano puttadh.itu~naat.ina.m atthaaya
paridevamaano mahaasaddamakaasi." Dh. A. ii, 6.
[Dhammapada-a.t.thakathaa, 5. Baalavaggo, 1. A~n~natarapurisavatthu]
public / his / his / sons, daughters and relations / for the sake of /
weeping / great noise / did
The public made a great sound when crying for the sake of their sons,
daughters and relatives.

4."Te attano antevaasikehi a.d.dhateyyehi paribbaajakasatehi saddhi.m
Ve.luvana.m agama.msu." Dh. A. i, 95. [Dhammapada-a.t.thakathaa, 1.
Yamakavaggo, 8. Saariputtattheravatthu]
they / his / [with] pupils / [with] 250 wandering ascetics / with /
Veluvana / went
They went to Veluvana with his 250 pupils who are wandering ascetics.

5."Satthari Aggaa.lave cetiye viharante bah.u upaasikaa ca
bhikkhuniyo ca vihaara.m dhammassavanaaya gacchanti." J. i, 160.
[Khuddakanikaaye, Jaataka-a.t.thakathaa, 2. Siilavaggo, [16] 6.
[in] teacher / [in] Aggalava / [in] shrine / [in] living / many / lay
female followers / and / nuns / and / monastery / [to, for] hearing
the Dhamma / went
When the Buddha was living in the Aggalava shrine, many lay female
devotees and nuns went to the monastery to listen to the Dhamma.

6."Kosalaraajaa mahantena balena aagantvaa Baaraa.nasi.m gahetvaa
ta.m raajaana.m maaretvaa tasseva aggamahesi.m attano aggamahesi.m
akaasi" J. Asaatar.upa. [Khuddakanikaaye, Jaataka-a.t.thakathaa, 10.
Littavaggo, [100] 10. Asaatar.upajaatakava.n.nanaa]
king of Kosala / [with] big / [with] power, army / having come /
Baranasi / having taken / that / king / having killed / only his /
chief queen / his / chief queen / made
The king of Kosala arrived with a big army, took Baranasi, killed the
king, and made chief queen his own chief queen.

7."Sace ayyaa ima.m temaasa.m idha vasissanti, aha.m...uposathakamma.m
karissaami." Dh. A. i, 290. [Dhammapada-a.t.thakathaa, 3. Cittavaggo,
2. A~n~natarabhikkhuvatthu]
if / lords / this / 3 months / here / will live / I / keeping of the
Uposatha / will do
If the Lords will live here three months, I will observe the 8 precepts.

8." Yaavassa a~n~no koci patta.m na ga.nhaati, taavassa gantvaa
patta.m ga.nha," Dh. A. iv, 128. [Dhammapada-a.t.thakathaa, 25.
Bhikkhuvaggo, 12. Sumanasaama.neravatthu]
as long as / his / another / one / alms bowl / not / take / until /
his / having gone / bowl / take
Go and take his bowl, as long as another one doesn't take it.

9."Saadhu maya.m, bhante, labheyyaama Bhagavanta.m dassanaaya." V.
Mahaavagga. [Vinayapi.take,, 5. Cammakkhandhako, 147.
good / we / Venerable / would get / Buddha / [to] sight
It is well, Venerable, if we get to see the Buddha.
It were good, Venerable, if we might have a chance to see the Lord.
(Rhys Davids)

10."Musaa na bhaase na ca majjapo siyaa." A. i, 214.
[A"nguttaranikaayo,, 1. Pa.thamapa.n.naasaka.m, 5.
C.u.lavaggo, (7) 2. mahaavaggo, 10. Uposathasutta.m]
lies / not / let say / not / and / one who drinks intoxicating liquors
/ may be
One should neither tell lies nor be one who drinks intoxicationg liquors.

11."Tasmi.m khopana,, ya~n~ne neva gaavo ha~n~ni.msu, na
aje.lakaa ha~n~ni.msu." D. i, 141. [Diighanikaayo,, 5. K.u.tadantasutta.m, So.lasa aakaaraa]
[in] this / then / Brahman / [in] sacrifice / neither / cows/ were
killed / goats and sheep / nor / were killed
And then, O Brahman, at that sacrifice, neither were any cows killed,
nor goats and sheep.

12."Ko nu kho, bho, pahoti ima.m mahaapathavi.m ... sattadhaa, sama.m,
suvibhatta.m vibhajitu.m?" D. ii, 234. [Diighanikaayo ,, 6. Mahaagovindasutta.m, Rajjasa.mvibhajana.m]
who then / my dear / is able / this / big earth / in seven pieces /
even / well divided / to divide
Who then, my dear, is able to divide this big [realm of] earth into
seven equal well arranged pieces.

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