Pali Day by Day G044 - The New Pali Course Part II - Ex 17 p121

From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 13094
Date: 2008-12-28

Exercise 17
Translate into Pali

1. The monarch of the realm caused a great stuupa to be erected
at the spot where the Elder was killed.
raajaa / rajjassa / kaaraapesi / mahavanta.m / thuupa.m /
tatth'eva / yattha / thero / maariiyi
Yattha thero maariiyi, tatth'eva rajjassa raajaa mahavanta.m
thuupa.m kaaraapesi.

2. He caused the great palace to be rebuilt at a cost of hundred
thousand gold pieces.
so / puna kaaresi / mahavanta.m / raajabhavana.m / paribbaya.m /
satassa / sahassa-suva.n.naana.m
So sahassa-suva.n.naana.m satassa paribbaya.m mahavanta.m
raajabhavana.m puna kaaresi.

3. You must make him do this or else he is sure to cause the enemy
king to attack your realm.
tva.m / kaaretabba.m / ta.m / eta.m / no ce / so / hoti /
dhuva.m / hanaapetu.m / ari-ra~n~naa / tuyha.m / rajja.m
Tva.m eta.m ta.m kaaretabba.m no ce so tuyha.m rajja.m
ari-ra~n~naa hanaapetu.m dhuva.m (hoti).

4. "If you want the crown, release me from these bonds"
ce / tva.m / iccheyyaasi / maku.ta.m / mu~nca / ma.m /
imebhi / bandhanebhi
"Imebhi bandhanebhi ma.m mu~nca ce tva.m maku.ta.m iccheyyaasi."

said the clever brahmin to the young prince.
aaha / upaayakusalo / / dahara.m / raajakumaara.m
upaayakusalo dahara.m raajakumaara.m aaha.

5. The princess caused the three soothsayers to be brought to her
and made them severally explain to her why she could not marry
her lover.
kumaarii / aaharaapetvaa / tayo / nimittapaa.thake / taayo /
vitthaaraapesi / te / visu.m visu.m / yena / saa / na sakkhi /
vivaahetu.m / tassaa / piyaayaka.m
Kumaarii taayo tayo nimittapaa.thake aaharaapetvaa (tassaa)
piyaayaka.m vivaahetu.m na sakkhi yena visu.m visu.m (te)

6. The brahmin Uddaalaka taught his son Svetaketu all he
knew. / Uddaalako / ugga.nhaapesi / tassa /
putta.m / sabbe / so / vidi Uddaalako ye sabbe vidi, te (tassa) putta.m

7. The farmer caused a well to be dug right in the middle of his
field by the peasants.
kassako / nikha.naapesi / kuupa.m / tatth'eva / majjhe /
tassa / khettassa / gaamikehi
Kassako (tassa) khettassa majjhe tatth'eva kuupa.m gaamikehi

8. The mother caused the slave-woman to feed her baby.
maataa / paayaapesi / daasiya / tassaa / daaraka.m
Maataa (tassaa) daaraka.m daasiya paayaapesi.

9. The evil monk Devadatta made the foolish prince Ajaatasattu
kill his own father.
du.t.tho / bhikkhu / Devadatto / maaraapesi / baala.m /
raajakumaara.m / Ajaatasattu.m / tassa / attano / pitara.m
Du.t.tho bhikkhu Devadatto (tassa) attano pitara.m baala.m
raajakumaara.m Ajaatasattu.m maaraapesi.

10. Having caused red flowers to be hung round his neck, the
Prime Minister had him led from junction to junction and
street to street.
olambaapetvaa / rattaani / pupphaani / samantaa / tassa /
giiva.m / mahaamacco / nayaapesi / ta.m / si`nghaa.takasmaa /
si`nghaa.taka.m / visikhaaya / visikha.m
(Tassa) giiva.m samantaa rattaani pupphaani olambaapetvaa
mahaamacco si`nghaa.takasmaa si`nghaa.taka.m visikhaaya
visikha.m ta.m nayaapesi.


Please correct me if there is any mistakes.

Please note that we will take a break, until Florent resumes the
posting after his meditation retreat.

Yong Peng.

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