Re: AN I.314-315

From: johnny pruitt
Message: 12357
Date: 2008-03-15

well concerning the initial greeting I am assume that it means may there be good fortune ot the pali group ( not sure really if it is correct.

----- Original Message ----
From: Mahinda Palihawadana <mahipal6@...>
Sent: Friday, March 7, 2008 5:39:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Pali] Re: AN I.314-315

Dear Johnny,

This is just an aside. I am rather puzzled by the initial Pali statement.
How would it read, if you translate it back into English?


On 3/5/08, johnny pruitt <mahasacham@... com> wrote:
> <http://paa.liga. no/> bhava.m attu
> It seems to me that when the buddha says that someone who expounds the
> dhamma poorly should know how much to give means that in other systems of
> doctrine the teachers are taught to be esoteric. Some religious sects only
> intitiate some and keep others in the dark. Perhaps the Buddha meant that in
> a system that is well proclaimed the teacher should not hold anything back.
> Johnny
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Branislav Kovacevic <ja_sam_branko@<ja_sam_branko%>
> >
> To: Pali@... com <Pali%40yahoogroups .com>
> Sent: Sunday, March 2, 2008 5:13:56 AM
> Subject: Re: [Pali] Re: AN I.314-315
> Dear Yong Peng,
> of course it's not too late, since you clarified the meaning so
> extensively. Now I'm pretty sure I grasped the right meaning of that
> passage. Since translation itself is still obscure because of the wording,
> I've added a footnote for the reader.
> In the meantime, I continued with the same book and in the fourth vagga
> (AN I.333-334) came upon two compounds whose meaning I can't figure out:
> 333. Evameva.n kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye vavassaggaaramma. na.mkaritvaa labhanti
> samadhi.m...
> 334. Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye annaggarasaggaana. m
> laabhino...
> aarammaṇ a: a sense-object, but what abut the rest?
> I've checked your translation and it seems you also had a problem. For
> "vavassaggaaramma. na.m karitvaa" Nina suggested:
> "N: I would think: resolution to strive, to reach the goal, to attain
> liberation from the cycle."
> but I'd like to know what are the constituent words for both of these
> expressions.
> Many thanks,
> Branko
> Ong Yong Peng <pali.smith@ gmail. com> wrote: Dear Branko, John and Nina,
> Branko: thanks for your mail. I hope this is not too late a reply from
> me, since a reference was made about my postings.
> The choice of word for 'mattaa' is probably the source of confusion. I
> would have chosen 'moderation' for some good reasons, but I can't
> recall it since the original message was posted two years ago.
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