8.Taasa.m channa.m itthiina.m cha bhaataro mahanta.m pabbata.m
aaruhitvaa cha kapayo aanesu.m.
[of] those / six / women / six / brothers / big / rock / having
brought / six / monkeys /
Having climbed a big mountain, the six brothers of those six women
brought six monkeys.
9.Taasa.m maataa dasa ambe ki.nitvaa catassanna.m dhiitaraana.m dadissati.
[of] those / mother / ten / mangoes / having bought / [to] four /
daughters / will give
Having bought ten mangoes, the mother will give them to her four
10.Idaani La`nkaaya.m paƱca-cattaa.liisa-satasahassa.m manussaa vasanti.
now / in Sri Lanka / also / fourty-five / 100000 / live
4.5 Million people live now in Sri-Lanka.
11.Pubbe Saavatthinagare manussaana.m satta ko.tiyo vasi.msu.
[in] east / [in] city of Saavatthi / [of] people / 7 / crores / lived
Seven crores of people lived in the eastern part of Saavatthi.
12.Tumhe ito dviihi vassehi Anuraadhapura.m gantvaa tattha nava divase
vasantaa mahante cetiye passissatha.
you / from now / after two years / [to] Anuraadhapura / having gone /
there / nine / days / big / shrines / will see
Having gone to Anuraadhapura two years from now and staying there for
nine days, you will see big shrines.
13.Daaso ekena hatthena dve naa.likere itarena eka.m panasaƱ ca harati.
slave / [with] one / hand / two coconuts / [with] other / one /
jackfruit / and / carries
The slave carries two coconuts with one hand and one jackfruit with
the other.
14.Aha.m cattaari vassaani nagare vasitvaa tato pacchaa tayo maase
gaame vasissaami.
I / four / years / [in] / city / having lived / from there /
afterwards / three / months / [in] village / will live
Having lived four years in the city, thereupon afterwards I will live
three months in the village.
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