AN1.19.1-38 Kaayagataasati Vagga (2/3)

From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 10652
Date: 2006-08-13

Dear Nina and friends,

here is the second part of Kaayagataasati Vagga.

11. "ekadhamme, bhikkhave, bhaavite bahuliikate anuppannaa ceva
kusalaa dhammaa uppajjanti, uppannaa ca kusalaa dhammaa
bhiyyobhaavaaya vepullaaya sa.mvattanti. katamasmi.m ekadhamme?
kaayagataaya satiyaa. imasmi.m kho, bhikkhave, ekadhamme bhaavite
bahuliikate anuppannaa ceva kusalaa dhammaa uppajjanti, uppannaa ca
kusalaa dhammaa bhiyyobhaavaaya vepullaaya sa.mvattantii"ti.

12. "ekadhamme, bhikkhave, bhaavite bahuliikate avijjaa pahiiyati,
vijjaa uppajjati, asmimaano pahiiyati, anusayaa samugghaata.m
gacchanti, sa.myojanaa pahiiyanti. katamasmi.m ekadhamme?
kaayagataaya satiyaa. imasmi.m kho, bhikkhave, ekadhamme bhaavite
bahuliikate avijjaa pahiiyati, vijjaa uppajjati, asmimaano
pahiiyati, anusayaa samugghaata.m gacchanti, sa.myojanaa

13-14. "ekadhammo, bhikkhave, bhaavito bahuliikato
pa~n~naapabhedaaya sa.mvattati... anupaadaaparinibbaanaaya
sa.mvattati. katamo ekadhammo? kaayagataa sati. aya.m kho,
bhikkhave, ekadhammo bhaavito bahuliikato pa~n~naapabhedaaya
sa.mvattati... anupaadaaparinibbaanaaya sa.mvattatii"ti.

15-17. "ekadhamme, bhikkhave, bhaavite bahuliikate
anekadhaatupa.tivedho hoti... naanaadhaatupa.tivedho hoti...
anekadhaatupa.tisambhidaa hoti. katamasmi.m ekadhamme? kaayagataaya
satiyaa. imasmi.m kho, bhikkhave, ekadhamme bhaavite bahuliikate
anekadhaatupa.tivedho hoti... naanaadhaatupa.tivedho hoti...
anekadhaatupa.tisambhidaa hotii"ti.


11. "Ekadhamme, bhikkhave, bhaavite bahuliikate anuppannaa ceva
kusalaa dhammaa uppajjanti, uppannaa ca kusalaa dhammaa
bhiyyobhaavaaya vepullaaya sa.mvattanti.
in one thing / monks / in developed / in practised / unarisen / and-
so / wholesome / states / arise / arisen / and / wholesome /
states / to increase / to full development / lead to
"One thing, O monks, (when) developed and practised, unarisen
wholesome states arise, and so arisen wholesome states lead to
advancement and full development.

* bhiyyobhaava (m) increase, multiplication.
* vepulla (n) full development.

Katamasmi.m ekadhamme?
in which / in one thing
Which one (thing)?

Kaayagataaya satiyaa.
in relating to the body / in mindfulness
Mindfulness of the body.

Imasmi.m kho, bhikkhave, ekadhamme bhaavite bahuliikate anuppannaa
ceva kusalaa dhammaa uppajjanti, uppannaa ca kusalaa dhammaa
bhiyyobhaavaaya vepullaaya sa.mvattantii"ti.
in this / indeed / monks / in one thing / in developed / in
practised / unarisen / and-so / wholesome / states / arise /
arisen / and / wholesome / states / to increase / to full
development / lead to
Indeed, monks, this (one thing), (when) developed and practised,
unarisen wholesome states arise, and so arisen wholesome states lead
to advancement and full development."


12. "Ekadhamme, bhikkhave, bhaavite bahuliikate avijjaa pahiiyati,
vijjaa uppajjati, asmimaano pahiiyati, anusayaa samugghaata.m
gacchanti, sa.myojanaa pahiiyanti.
in one thing / monks / in developed / in practised / ignorance / is
abandoned / knowledge / arises / conceit of self / is abandoned /
tendencies / (to) removal / go / attachments / are abandoned
"One thing, O monks, (when) developed and practised, ignorance is
abandoned, knowledge arises, the conceit of self is abandoned,
tendencies get removed, and attachments are abandoned.

* avijjaa (f) ignorance.
* vijjaa (f) knowledge.
* asmimaana (m) conceit of self.
* anusaya (m) proclivity, predisposition, tendency.
* samugghaata (m) uprooting, abolishing, removal.
* sa.myojana (n) bond, attachment.

Katamasmi.m ekadhamme?
in which / in one thing
Which one (thing)?

Kaayagataaya satiyaa.
in relating to the body / in mindfulness
Mindfulness of the body.

Imasmi.m kho, bhikkhave, ekadhamme bhaavite bahuliikate avijjaa
pahiiyati, vijjaa uppajjati, asmimaano pahiiyati, anusayaa
samugghaata.m gacchanti, sa.myojanaa pahiiyantii"ti.
in this / indeed / monks / in one thing / in developed / in
practised / ignorance / is abandoned / knowledge / arises / conceit
of self / is abandoned / tendencies / (to) removal / go /
attachments / are abandoned
Indeed, monks, this (one thing), (when) developed and practised,
ignorance is abandoned, knowledge arises, the conceit of self is
abandoned, tendencies get removed, and attachments are abandoned."


13-14. "Ekadhammo, bhikkhave, bhaavito bahuliikato
pa~n~naapabhedaaya sa.mvattati... anupaadaaparinibbaanaaya
one thing / monks / developed / practised / opening up of wisdom /
leads to / final release without grasping / leads to
"Developed and practised, O monks, one thing leads to the opening up
of widom; leads to the final release without grasping.

* pa~n~naapabheda (m) opening up of wisdom, breakthrough to
wisdom, i.e. enlightenment.
- pa~n~naa (f) wisdom.
- pabheda (m) breaking, opening.
* anupaadaaparinibbaana (n) final release without grasping.
- anupaadaa (gerund of anupaadiyati) not having grasped.
- parinibbaana (n) final release, nibbaana.

Katamo ekadhammo?
which / one thing
Which one (thing)?

Kaayagataa sati.
relating to the body / mindfulness
Mindfulness of the body.

Aya.m kho, bhikkhave, ekadhammo bhaavito bahuliikato
pa~n~naapabhedaaya sa.mvattati... anupaadaaparinibbaanaaya
this / indeed / monks / one thing / developed / practised / opening
up of wisdom / leads to / final release without grasping / leads to
Indeed, monks, developed and practised, this (one thing) leads to
the opening up of wisdom; leads to the final release without


15-17. "Ekadhamme, bhikkhave, bhaavite bahuliikate
anekadhaatupa.tivedho hoti... naanaadhaatupa.tivedho hoti...
anekadhaatupa.tisambhidaa hoti.
in one thing / monks / in developed / in practised / penetration of
the various elements / is / penetration of the elements in various
ways / is / analytic insight of the various elements / is
"One thing, O monks, (when) developed and practised, effects the
penetration of the various elements; effects the penetration of the
elements in various ways; effects the analytic insight of the
various elements.

* anekadhaatupa.tivedha (m) penetration of the various elements
(80 of them according to comm.).
- aneka (adj) = na eka: not one, i.e. various, numerous.
- dhaatu (f) element.
- pa.tivedha (m) penetration, comprehension.
* hoti (v) verb to be.
* naanaadhaatupa.tivedha (m) penetration of the elements in
various ways.
- naanaa (adv) variously, differently.
* anekadhaatupa.tisambhidaa (f) analytic insight of the various
- pa.tisambhidaa (f) analytic insight.

Katamasmi.m ekadhamme?
in which / in one thing
Which one (thing)?

Kaayagataaya satiyaa.
in relating to the body / in mindfulness
Mindfulness of the body.

Imasmi.m kho, bhikkhave, ekadhamme bhaavite bahuliikate
anekadhaatupa.tivedho hoti... naanaadhaatupa.tivedho hoti...
anekadhaatupa.tisambhidaa hotii"ti.
in this / indeed / monks / in one thing / in developed / in
practised / penetration of the various elements / is / penetration
of the elements in various ways / is / analytic insight of the
various elements / is
Indeed, monks, this (one thing), (when) developed and practised,
effects the penetration of the various elements; effects the
penetration of the elements in various ways; effects the analytic
insight of the various elements."

Please correct me if there is any mistake.

Yong Peng.

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