1.Cattaaro purisaa catuuhi pharasuuhi cattaari rukkhaani chinditvaa
four / men / [with] four / axes / four / trees / having cut / will bring
Having cut four trees with four axes, the four men will bring them.
2.Taa tisso itthiyo imehi tiihi maggehi ta.m a.tavi.m gantvaa
tissana.m kaññaana.m tii.ni phalaani ada.msu.
those / three / women / [by] those / three / paths / that / forest /
having gone / [to] three / girls / three / fruits / gave
Having gone to that forest by those three paths, those three women
gave three fruits to the three girls.
3.Ekissa.m saalaaya.m sata.m purisaa paññaasaa itthiyo ca nisiidissanti.
[in] one / [in] hall / 100 / men / 50 / women / and / will sit
Hundred men and fifty women will sit in one hall.
4.Maya.m ito navahi divasehi pañcahi kumaarehi saddhi.m
Ko.lambanagara.m gamissaama.
we / from here / [by] boats / after nine days / five / boys / with /
[to] Colombo / will go
We will go from here to Colombo after nine days with five boys.
5.Pañca daasaa dasanna.m assaana.m bahu.m ti.na.m, appaka.m udaka.m ca
five / slaves / 10 / [to] horses / a lot of / grass / a little / water
/ and / brought
Five slaves brought a lot of grass and a little water to ten horses.
6.Viisati purisaa dasahi go.nehi cattaari khettaani kasanti.
20 / men / [with] ten / oxen / 4 / fields / plough
Twenty men plough four fields with ten oxen.
7.Vaa.nijo kahaapa.naana.m dviihi satehi a.t.tha asse ki.nitvaa te
catunna.m dhanavantaana.m vikki.ni.
merchant / [with] coins / two / hundred / eight / horses / having
bought / them / four / rich ones / sold
Having bought eight horses with two hundred coins, the merchant sold
them to four rich people.