AN1.15.1-28 A.t.thaana (1/5)

From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 9501
Date: 2005-12-04

Dear Nina and friends,

here is the first instalment of A.t.thaana.

Upagacchati is tricky. While I don't think it is, I hope someone can
confirm whether upagacchati is governed by the Ablative? Also, the
word sa`nkhaara may need further explanation. Thanks.

A`nguttara Nikaya: Ekaka Nipaata
Pa.thama Vagga

1. "A.t.thaanameta.m, bhikkhave, anavakaaso ya.m di.t.thisampanno
puggalo ka~nci sa`nkhaara.m niccato upagaccheyya. Neta.m .thaana.m
vijjati. .Thaana~nca kho eta.m, bhikkhave, vijjati ya.m puthujjano
ka~nci sa`nkhaara.m niccato upagaccheyya. .Thaanameta.m vijjatii"ti.

2. "A.t.thaanameta.m, bhikkhave, anavakaaso ya.m di.t.thisampanno
puggalo ka~nci sa`nkhaara.m sukhato upagaccheyya. Neta.m .thaana.m
vijjati. .Thaana~nca kho eta.m, bhikkhave, vijjati ya.m puthujjano
ka~nci sa`nkhaara.m sukhato upagaccheyya. .Thaanameta.m vijjatii"ti.

3. "A.t.thaanameta.m, bhikkhave, anavakaaso ya.m di.t.thisampanno
puggalo ka~nci dhamma.m attato upagaccheyya. Neta.m .thaana.m
vijjati. .Thaana~nca kho eta.m, bhikkhave, vijjati ya.m puthujjano
ka~nci dhamma.m attato upagaccheyya. .Thaanameta.m vijjatii"ti.

4. "A.t.thaanameta.m, bhikkhave, anavakaaso ya.m di.t.thisampanno
puggalo maatara.m jiivitaa voropeyya. Neta.m .thaana.m
vijjati. .Thaana~nca kho eta.m, bhikkhave, vijjati ya.m puthujjano
maatara.m jiivitaa voropeyya. .Thaanameta.m vijjatii"ti.

5. "A.t.thaanameta.m, bhikkhave, anavakaaso ya.m di.t.thisampanno
puggalo pitara.m jiivitaa voropeyya. Neta.m .thaana.m
vijjati. .Thaana~nca kho eta.m, bhikkhave, vijjati ya.m puthujjano
pitara.m jiivitaa voropeyya. .Thaanameta.m vijjatii"ti.



Pa.thama Vagga
first / part
The First Part

1. "A.t.thaanameta.m, bhikkhave, anavakaaso ya.m di.t.thisampanno
puggalo ka~nci sa`nkhaara.m niccato upagaccheyya.
not this position / monks / not a chance / which / endowed with right
views / person / any / determination / from permanent / should
"This is not the standpoint, monks: there is not a chance that,
endowed with right views, a person should consider any determination
as permanent.

a.t.thaanameta.m = a.t.thaana.m eta.m: not this position.
- a.t.thaana = na .thaana
-- na (ind neg) not.
-- .thaana (n) place, position.
- etad (rel pron) this.
bhikkhu (m) monk.
anavakaasa = na avakaasa: not a chance.
- avakaasa (m) chance, opportunity.
ya (rel pron) which.
di.t.thisampanna (adj) endowed with right views.
- di.t.thi (f) view.
- sampanna (pp of sampajjati) endowed with.
puggala (m) individual, person.
ka~nci (indefinite pron) whichever, any.
sa`nkhaara (m) determination.
nicca (adj) permanent.
upagacchati (v) approaches.

Neta.m .thaana.m vijjati.
not this / position / is found
This position is not established.

neta.m = na eta.m: not this.
vijjati (passive) is found.

.Thaana~nca kho eta.m, bhikkhave, vijjati ya.m puthujjano ka~nci
sa`nkhaara.m niccato upagaccheyya.
position-and / indeed / this / monks / is found / which / an ordinary
person / any / determination / from permanent / should approach
And indeed, monks, the following position is established: that an
ordinary person would consider any determination as permanent.

.thaana~nca = .thaana.m ca: and position.
- ca (conj) and.
kho (ind enc) indeed.
puthujjana (m) an ordinary, average person.

.Thaanameta.m vijjatii"ti.
this position / is found
This position is found."


2. "A.t.thaanameta.m, bhikkhave, anavakaaso ya.m di.t.thisampanno
puggalo ka~nci sa`nkhaara.m sukhato upagaccheyya.
not this position / monks / not a chance / which / endowed with right
views / person / any / determination / from pleasant / should approach
"This is not the standpoint, monks: there is not a chance that,
endowed with right views, a person should consider any determination
as pleasant.

sukha (adj) pleasant.

Neta.m .thaana.m vijjati.
not this / position / is found
This position is not established.

.Thaana~nca kho eta.m, bhikkhave, vijjati ya.m puthujjano ka~nci
sa`nkhaara.m sukhato upagaccheyya.
position-and / indeed / this / monks / is found / which / an ordinary
person / any / determination / from pleasant / should approach
And indeed, monks, the following position is established: that an
ordinary person would consider any determination as pleasant.

.Thaanameta.m vijjatii"ti.
this position / is found
This position is found."


3. "A.t.thaanameta.m, bhikkhave, anavakaaso ya.m di.t.thisampanno
puggalo ka~nci dhamma.m attato upagaccheyya.
not this position / monks / not a chance / which / endowed with right
views / person / any / thing / from own / should approach
"This is not the standpoint, monks: there is not a chance that,
endowed with right views, a person should consider anything as his

dhamma (n) thing, phenomena.
attan (refl pron) own.

Neta.m .thaana.m vijjati.
not this / position / is found
This position is not established.

.Thaana~nca kho eta.m, bhikkhave, vijjati ya.m puthujjano ka~nci
dhamma.m attato upagaccheyya.
position-and / indeed / this / monks / is found / which / an ordinary
person / any / thing / from own / should approach
And indeed, monks, the following position is established: that an
ordinary person would consider anything as his own.

.Thaanameta.m vijjatii"ti.
this position / is found
This position is found."


4. "A.t.thaanameta.m, bhikkhave, anavakaaso ya.m di.t.thisampanno
puggalo maatara.m jiivitaa voropeyya.
not this position / monks / not a chance / which / endowed with right
views / person / mother / from life / should deprive of
This is not the standpoint, monks: there is not a chance that,
endowed with right views, a person should deprive his mother of her

maatar (f) mother.
jiivita (n) life.
voropeti (v) deprive of (abl).

Neta.m .thaana.m vijjati.
not this / position / is found
This position is not established.

.Thaana~nca kho eta.m, bhikkhave, vijjati ya.m puthujjano maatara.m
jiivitaa voropeyya.
position-and / indeed / this / monks / is found / which / an ordinary
person / mother / from life / should deprive of
And indeed, monks, the following position is established: that an
ordinary person would deprive his mother of her life.

.Thaanameta.m vijjatii"ti.
this position / is found
This position is found."


5. "A.t.thaanameta.m, bhikkhave, anavakaaso ya.m di.t.thisampanno
puggalo pitara.m jiivitaa voropeyya.
not this position / monks / not a chance / which / endowed with right
views / person / father / from life / should deprive of
This is not the standpoint, monks: there is not a chance that,
endowed with right views, a person should deprive his father of his

pitar (m) father.

Neta.m .thaana.m vijjati.
not this / position / is found
This position is not established.

.Thaana~nca kho eta.m, bhikkhave, vijjati ya.m puthujjano pitara.m
jiivitaa voropeyya.
position-and / indeed / this / monks / is found / which / an ordinary
person / father / from life / should deprive of
And indeed, monks, the following position is established: that an
ordinary person would deprive his father of his life.

.Thaanameta.m vijjatii"ti.
this position / is found
This position is found."

Please correct me if there is any mistake.

Yong Peng.

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