From: nina van gorkom
Message: 5085
Date: 2004-07-17
> "Eva.m bhaavitaa kho, Raahula, aana-apaana-ssati,thus practised,
> thus / cultivated / indeed / Rahula / in breathing-out breathing-
> mindfulness
> "Cultivated thus, Rahula, the mindfulness on in and out breathing,
> eva.m bahuliikataa maha-p-phalaa hoti maha-anisa.msaa.
> thus / practised frequently / great fruit / is / great profit
> practised frequently thus, is of great fruit and profit.
> Eva.m bhaavitaaya, Raahula, aana-apaana-ssati-yaa,
> thus / cultivated / Rahula / of in breathing-out breathing mindfulness
> Thus cultivated, Rahula, of the minfulness on in and out breathing,
> eva.m bahuliikataaya
>/nirujjhanti /no aviditaa"ti.N: The final inbreaths and outbreaths too are known as they cease, not
>/they cease/ not unknown
> * viditaava ???N: viditaa+va, eva for emphasis.