9. Aha.m sappinaa pacita.m odana.m madhunaa bhuñjitu.m na icchaami.
I / with ghee / cooked / rice / with honey / to eat / do not
I do not like to eat the rice cooked in ghee with honey.
10. Nattaa hatthehi ca ja.n.nuuhi ca gacchanta.m yaacaka.m disvaa
anukampamaano bhojana.m ca vattha.m ca daapesi.
grandson / with hands / with knees / going / beggar / having
seen / feeling compassionate / food and / clothe and / caused
...to be given
Seeing the beggar going on (his) hands and knees, the grandson
felt compassionate and caused food and a clothe to be given
(to him).
11. Daaruuni sa.mharantiyo itthiyo a.taviya.m aahi.n.dantii
firewood / collecting / women / in forest / wandering / sang
The women collecting firewood sang wandering in the forest.
12. Ambuumhi jaataani padumaani na ambunaa upalittaani (smeared)
in water / borned / lotuses / not / with water / smeared / are
Lotuses borned in the water are not smeared with water.