From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 4010 Date: 2003-12-24
Pali Primer Exercise 17
Translate into English
5. Aacariyo aasana.m dussena chaadetvaa nisiiditu.m
teacher / seat / with cloth / having covered / monk / to sit
/ invited
Having covered the seat with a cloth, the teacher invited the
monk to sit.
6. Kumaaro dvaara.m vivaritvaa rukkhamhaa oruhante vaanare
passamaano a.t.thaasi (stood).
boy / door / having opened / from trees / descending /
monkeys / seeing / stood
The boy opened the door and stood watching monkeys climbing
down from the trees.
7. Pa.n.dito coretvaa akusala.m karonte nare pakkositvaa
wise man / oxen / having stolen / evil / doing / men / having
summoned / admonished
The wise man called and admonished the men stealing the oxen
and doing evil.
Alt: The wise man summoned and advised people who commit evil
by stealing cattle.
8. Yaacakassa puttaa rukkhehi patantaani phalaani sa.mharitvaa
beggar's / sons / from trees / falling / fruits / having
collected / at market / sold
The beggar's sons collected fruits falling from trees and sold
(them) at the market.
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