From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 4001 Date: 2003-12-23
Pali Primer Exercise 17
Translate into English
1. Kassako khetta.m kasitvaa nahaayitu.m udaka.m otari.
farmer / field / having ploughed / to bathe / water / entered
After ploughing the field, the farmer entered the water to
2. Ugga.nhantaana.m daarakaana.m daatu.m aacariyaa kusumaani
learning / to children / to give / teachers / flowers / brought
The teachers brought flowers to give to the learning children
3. Upaasakaa aasanehi u.t.thahitvaa dhamma.m desetu.m
upasa'nkamanta.m vandi.msu.
lay devotees / from seats / having got up / dhamma / to preach
/ approaching / to monk / paid respect
The lay devotees rose from (their) seats and paid respect to
the monk approaching to preach the dhamma.
4. Nagaresu kammaani katvaa vetane labhitu.m aaka'nkhamaanaa naraa
gaamehi nikkhami.msu.
in cities / deeds / having done / wages / to receive / hoping /
people / from villages / left
Hoping to do work in the cities and receive pay, the people
left the villages.
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