From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 3767 Date: 2003-11-15
Pali Primer Exercise 13
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15. Tumhe kakacehi rukkhe chinditvaa pabbatamhaa paatetha.
you / with saws / trees / having cut / from mountain / fell
You, having cut the trees with saws, fell (them) from the
Alt: You cut the trees with saws and fell (them) from the
16. Dhammena manusse paalentaa bhuupaalaa akusala.m parivajjenti.
with truth / people / ruling / kings / evil / avoid
Ruling the people righteously (lit. with truth), kings avoid
17. Sacca.m ñatu.m icchanto aha.m sama.nehi pañhe pucchaami.
truth / to know / wishing / I / from monks / questions / ask
Wishing to know the truth, I ask the monks questions.
18. Daana.m datvaa siila.m rakkhantaa sappurisaa saggaloka.m
alms / having given / virtue / protecting / good men / heaven
/ reach
Good men who give alms and protect virtues reach the heaven.
19. Dhañña.m minanto kassako netvaa dhañña.m vikki.nitu.m
corn / measuring / farmer / [to] shop / having taken / corn /
to sell / intends
The farmer measuring corn intends to take it to the shop and
sell it.
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