Pali Primer Exercise 13

Translate into English

10. Tumhe Tathaagatassa saavake nimantetvaa daana.m detha.
you / Buddha's / disciples / having invited / alms / give
Having invited Buddha's disciples, you give alms.

11. Upaasakaa vihaara.m gantvaa diipe jaaletvaa dhamma.m sotu.m
lay devotees / [to] monastery / having gone / lamps / having
kindled / doctrine / to hear / sit
Having gone to the monastery and having kindled the lamps,
the lay devotees sit (down) to hear the doctrine.

12. Luddako siisa.m (head) dussena chaadetvaa nisiiditvaa
maretu.m ussahati.
hunter / head / with cloth / having covered / having seated /
birds / to kill / tries
The hunter, having covered (his) head with a cloth and seated,
tries to kill birds.

13. So vane aahi.n.dante gaama.m aanetvaa vaa.nijaana.m
he / in forests / roaming / oxen / [to] village / having
brought / to merchants / sells
Having brought the oxen roaming in the forest to the village,
he sells (them) to merchants.

14. Tva.m aapa.nehi bha.ndaani ki.nitvaa saka.tena aanetvaa gehe
you / from shops / goods / having bought / in cart / having
brought / at home / keep
Having bought goods from the shops and brought (them) in a
cart, you keep (them) at home.