From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 2482 Date: 2003-04-26
Dear friends,
the word this week is uppajjati (verb): to be born, to arise. We have
today many familiar words even for those who do not study Pali. Allow
me to dedicate it to everyone reading the mails, and an early Vesak
greetings to everyone. Please help me to put the words together.
DN2 Sama~n~naphala Sutta CSCD190/PTS1.62
Bhagavaa etadavoca - "idha, mahaaraaja,
the Blessed One / he spoke / here / great king
The Blessed One said: "Here, great king,
Bhagavaa - the Blessed One.
etad (pronoun) he.
avoca (3rd person aor. of vatti) said, spoke.
etadavoca - he spoke.
idha (adv.) here, in this world.
Tathaagato loke uppajjati Araha.m
the Enlightened One / in world / is born / Arahant
the Enlightened One is born in (this) world, the Arahant,
Tathaagata - the Enlightened One.
loka (m.) world.
Araha.m - Arahant.
Sammaasambuddho vijjaacara.nasampanno Sugato lokaviduu
the Omnisicent One, endowed with wisdom and virtue, Sugata, knower of
the worlds,
Sambuddha (m.) the Omniscient One.
Sammaasambuddho ???
vijjaa (f.) higher knowledge. (nt.) conduct, behaviour. (nt.) special wisdom and virtue.
sampanna (pp. of sampajjati) endowed with.
vijjaacara.nasampanno - one endowed with wisdom and virtue.
Sugato - Sugata.
viduu (adj.) wise, knowing.
lokaviduu ??? lokaa+viduu = knower of worlds
anuttaro purisadammasaarathi
a guide incomparable for the training of individuals,
anuttaro (adj.) unsurpassed, incomparable.
purisa (m.) person, individual, man.
damma (adj.) to be trained.
saarathi (m.) charioteer, guide.
purisadammasaarathi - a guide for the training of individuals.
satthaa devamanussaana.m Buddho Bhagavaa.
teacher of gods and men, the Buddha, the Blessed One.
satthaa ??? satthu (m.) teacher.
deva (m.) god.
manussa (m.) man.
devamanussaana.m - of gods and men.
[It is interesting to note lokaviduu is pronounced as 'lokawiduu'.]
I look forward for your suggestions and comments.
Yong Peng
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