From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 2190 Date: 2003-03-23
Dear friends,
the word this week is kho.
kho (ind., enclitic) indeed.
A common combination is atha kho.
atha kho (ind.) then, moreover, rather.
Here are five example sentences for kho, and I look forward to your
comments and suggestions.
1. DN2 Sama~n~naphala Sutta CSCD215/PTS1.71
Eva.m kho, mahaaraaja, bhikkhu santu.t.tho hoti.
yes / indeed / O king / monk / content / becomes
Yes indeed, O king, the monk becomes content.
eva.m (ind.) thus, so, yes.
santu.t.tha (pp. of santussati) pleased, happy, content.
2. DN22 Mahasatipatthana Sutta CSCD374/PTS2.291
Evam pi kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kaaye kaayaanupassii viharati.
in this way / O monks /
evam pi - just so.
evam pi kho - in this way.
3. DN31 Sigalovada Sutta CSCD244/PTS3.181
"Na kho, gahapati-putta, ariyassa vinaye eva.m cha disaa
not indeed / householder-son / of noble / in discipline / thus /
six / quarters / should be worshipped
"Young householder, in the discipline of the noble, the six quarters
should not be worshipped indeed."
gahapati - possessor of a house, householder;
vinaya - code of ethics, monastic discipline, rule;
disaa - direction, quarter;
namassati - to pay homage, worship, venerate;
-abba - suffix, must be, should be;
namassitabba - should be worshipped.
4. Dhammapada 86
Ye ca kho sammadakkhaate dhamme dhammaanuvattino.
those / and / indeed / well-taught / [in] Dhamma / [one who] abides
by the Dhamma
And indeed, those who in the well-taught Dhamma abides by it.
ye - those.
sammaa (adj.) rightly, properly, thoroughly.
akkhaata (adj.) taught, proclaimed.
sammadakkhaata = sammaa+akkhaata: well-taught.
dhamma (m.) Buddha's teaching.
anuvattin (adj. from anuvattati) following, acting/behaving according
dhammaanuvattin = dhamma+anuvattin: abides by the Dhamma.
5. Dhammapada 189
Neta.m kho khema.m, neta.m sara.namuttama.m.
not this / indeed / refuge / safe / not this / supreme refuge
Indeed, this is not a safe refuge, this is not a supreme refuge.