I've just completed an abridged translation of the Udumbarikaa Siihanaada
Sutta (D 25) especially re-translating the challenging words:
go,ka.n.na (following RD's "one-eyed cow" instead of Walshe's "bison", D:W 386)
adhi,jeguccha ("regarding what is loathsome" instead of Walshe's "higher
austerities", D:W 387)
tapa,jeguccha ("loathsomeness asceticism" rather than RD's "self-mortifying
austerities" D:RD 3:37)
FOOTNOTES from my translation:
Holding differing views following different teachings,
a~n~na,di.t.thikena a~n~na,khantikena a~n~na,rucikena a~n~natr,aayogena
a~n~natraacariyakena. D:RD has of another view, of another persuasion, of
another confession, without practice and without teaching. D:W has
holding different views, being of different inclinations and subject to
different influences, following a different teacher, apparently missing
D:RD renders aacariyaka a s"teacher" in Let him who is your teacher be
your teacher still, D:W likewise. However, I follow CPD and DP in taking
aacariyaka to mean teaching rather than teacher (aacariya).
I hope I would be able hear some opinions on these interesting words,
especially aacariyaka, which I have rendered as "teaching" in the closing
of the sutta (D25.23):
"Let what has been your teaching, remain your teaching."
Walshe has "Let him who is your teacher remain your teacher" (following RD).
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