Dear Jim
I find this very interesting,
I have been wondering about this before when coming acrosssuch passages,
because it is rather often.
Thank you,
op 07-03-2003 00:46 schreef Jim Anderson op jimanderson_on@...:

> Dear Yong Peng,
> You wrote:
> << (3) DN31 Sigalovada Sutta para.245 [PTS3.181]
> Imassa cattaaro kammakilesaa pahiinaa hontii"ti
> ".For him, the four actions due to defilement are eradicated.">>
> From Duroiselle's grammar:
> 596. It will be seen from the remarks above that the genitive is often used
> instead of the Accusative, the Ablative, the Instrumentive and the Locative.
> It is also used adverbially, as kissa, why? It will also be remarked that
> whenever the genitive is dependent on a verb, it is so on account of its
> being used instead of another case, as in: maatussa sarati.