From: Derek Cameron
Message: 2022
Date: 2003-03-02
> > katame ca pana dhammaati?That's an interesting reading of it -- dhammaa as "things."
> and moreover, which are the things (dhammas) that make one a
> brahman?
> udaana: exclamation of knowledge and joy (Masefield: euphoria)I hadn't picked up on the idea that "udaana" had a sense of joy about
> > "Yo baahita-paapa-dhammo nihu.mhu"nko"abandoned defilements" for the more literal "rejected sinful things"?
> > nikkasaavo yatatto vedantaguu vuusita-brahma-cariyo
> A brahman who has abandoned defilements,
> who is not a grumbler,I had vedantaguu as something liked "of highest wisdom."
> free from impurity, self-restrained,
> who excels in the vedas
> and lives the brahman life,For vuusita-brahma-cariyo I thought maybe "perfected in the holy