Re: Ud I.4 7th, 8th and 9th sentences From: Derek Cameron
Message: 2023
Date: 2003-03-02
To make it clearer I'll re-post how the translation reads so far.
All are invited to make suggestions for improvement:
7th sentence
"Kittaavataa nu kho, bho gotama, hoti,
katame ca pana dhammaati?
"To what extent indeed, revered Gotama, is one a brahman,
and moreover, which are the things (dhammas) that make one a brahman?
and moreover, in what way are a brahmin's actions virtuous?
8th sentence
Atha kho bhagavaa, etam attha.m viditvaa,
taaya.m velaaya.m ima.m udaana.m udaanesi:
Then the Blessed One who had penetrated the meaning,
uttered at that time this exclamation of joy:
uttered at that time this joyous exclamation:
9th sentence
"Yo baahita-paapa-dhammo nihu.mhu"nko
nikkasaavo yatatto
vedantaguu vuusita-brahma-cariyo
dhammena so brahmavaada.m vadeyya
yassussadaa natthi kuhiƱci loketi.
A brahman who has abandoned defilements, who is not a grumbler,
free from impurity, self-restrained,
who excels in the vedas and lives the brahman life,
(or: of highest knowledge, perfected in the holy life)
He in truth could say that he is a brahman,
a person who has no excesses anywhere in the world.