Dear Dr Bittar and friends,

thank you. As there is no proposal for a vote, I will take it that we
will keep the Pali word "Sugata" (and its variances) in English
translation. I shall follow up by putting everything together and
post what we have done so far in a moment.

Yong Peng

--- Buddhayatana wrote:
> Thank you Robert and everyone for your contributions to the sugato,
> tathaagato translation debate.
> I am personnally accustomed to the litteral "well-gone", which has
a poetic savour in it (le voyage...).
> As for Tathaagato, of course I do not want to reopen an old
discussion (see Buddhaghosha...) but it's "thus gone" as well
as "thus come". The litteral meanings and inherent polysemy of this
word gives it a mysterious and rather feline flavour...
> Metta-cittena,
> Dr Gabriel Jivasattha Bittar