Re: Raahula Sutta Sn II.11 3rd verse

From: Дмитрий Ивахненко (Dimitry Ivakhnenko)
Message: 352
Date: 2001-08-14

Dear Pali friends,

DC> Here is the Raahula Sutta Sn II.11 3rd verse:

DC> 337. "Pañca hitvaa piyaruupe manorame
DC> saddhaaya gharaa nikkhamma dukkhass' antakaro bhava.

And here goes the commentary:

340. Tato na.m bhagavaa uttari.m ovadanto pañca kaamagu.neti-aadikaa
avasesagaathaayo aaha.

tato - thereupon, thence, afterwards, from this
na.m - him, her, that
(Accusative singular of 3rd person demonstrative pronoun)
uttari.m - beyond, moreover, further
ovadanto - exhorting
pañca - five
kaama - sensual desire, sensual pleasure - string, cord, strand, part (accusative plural)
ti - end quote
aadikaa - from the beginning, initial
avasesa + gaathaayo - remaining, left stanzes (plural Nom/Acc)
aaha - (he) said

Thereupon, further exhorting him, the Blessed One said following
stanze beginning with 'five strands of sensual pleasures'.

Tattha yasmaa pañca kaamagu.naa sattaana.m piyaruupaa piyajaatikaa
ativiya sattehi icchitaa patthitaa mano ca nesa.m ramayanti, te
caayasmaa raahulo hitvaa saddhaaya gharaa nikkhanto, na
raajaabhiniito, na coraabhiniito, na, na, na
jiivikaapakato, tasmaa na.m bhagavaa "pañca hitvaa,
piyaruupe manorame, saddhaaya gharaa nikkhammaa"ti samuttejetvaa
imassa nekkhammassa patiruupaaya pa.tipattiyaa niyojento aaha-
"dukkhassantakaro bhavaa"ti.

tattha - in this, here, in this connection (as an introduction to a
comment on a passage)
yasmaa - Masc/Neut Ablative of a relative pronoun
pañca kaamagu.naa - five strands of sensual pleasures
sattaana.m - genitive/dative plural of 'satta' a living being, creature,
a sentient and rational being
piya - dear, pleasant, liked
ruupaa - forms, objects of sight
jaatikaa - appearances ? being like, being of, having, belonging to
the class of
ativiya - 'much like', very much, exceedingly
sattehi - plural Inst/Abl of 'satta' a living being
icchitaa - wished, desired, longed for (plural present participle of
patthitaa - wished for, desired, requested, sought after
mano - intellect
ca - and
nesa.m - Gen/Dat plural of 3rd person demonstrative pronoun
ramayanti - causative plural 3rd person of 'ramati'
to enjoy oneself, to delight in (loc.)
te - those
hitvaa - having renounced, having abandoned, renouncing, abandoning
(absolutive of jahati, original root haa)
present or past time
saddhaaya - by or with or from faith (instr/abl)
gharaa - from the house (ablative)
nikkhanto - going forth (present participle)
raajaa + abhiniito - led to, brought to, obliged by a king
(present participle)
cora - a thief, a robber - fallen into or being in debt - debt
a.t.ta - lawsuit, case, cause
bhaya - fear, fright, dread
jiivikaapakato - out of finding one's livelihood (ablative)
kappeti - to cause to fit, to create, build, construct, arrange,
prepare, order
tasmaa - therefore, hence - string, cord, strand, part (accusative plural)
ruupe - locative from 'ruupa' form, image
rame - pleasing, delightful, enjoyable
nikkhamma - having gone forth, going forth (absolutive),
present or past time
samuttejetvaa - absolutive from 'samuttejeti'
to excite, gladden, to fill with enthusiasm
imassa - masculine/neuter Gen/Dat of ima (aya.m) this, that
nekkhammassa - genitive of 'nekkhamma' renunciation
pa.tiruupaaya - dative of 'pa.ti + ruupa' fit, proper, suitable,
befitting, seeming
pa.tipattiyaa - dative of 'pa.tipatti' "way", method, conduct,
practice, performance
niyojento - present participle of 'niyojeti' to urge, incite to
dukkhassa - of suffering (genitive)
antakaro - making the end, one who makes the end
(nominative singular)
bhava - become (imperative, 2nd person singular)

Implying for venerable Rahula to renounce those five strands of sense
pleasures, which are pleasing in form and appearance to living beings,
exceedingly wished for and desired by living beings, and bring delight
to their intellect, and to go forth from the house out of faith,
not obliged by a king or forced by robbers, not because of having debt
or fear, not to find a livelihood, the Blessed One, having encouraged
[him]: "Renouncing the five strands of sense pleasures, delightful in
form, pleasing the mind, going forth from the house out of faith",
said, inciting to proper way of this renunciation: "Become one who
makes an end of suffering".

(to be continued)


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