From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 14267
Date: 2018-10-05
> Þeir sögðu þessa sök búna vera á hendr Markúsi umThey said that this suit was prepared against Markús for
> sauðaskurð á mót þeiri sök, er hann hafði á höndum Inga um
> bænahústoll.
> They said this charge (búna?) is at the hands of Markus
> concerning the sheep slaughtering against their charge,
> which had had at the hands of Ingi concerning the chapel
> tax.
> They said this charge to [have] be[en] prepared (ie
> ‘fixed‘, fem acc sg strong of pp of <búa>, cf búa mál á
> hendr e-m, Z1) against Markús about [the] sheep-slaughter
> in-exchange-for that charge, which he (ie Markús) brought
> (lit: had, <hafa> Z6) against Ingi about [the]
> house-of-prayer (chapel)-toll.
> Ok síðan drógu þeir glott at ok mikit skaup, at MarkúsAnd after that they sneered and greatly mocked that Markús
> mundi eigi allt réttiliga fá til bús síns, ok höfðu mörg
> heimslig orð um þetta mál.
> And then they sneered also at a great mockery, that Markus
> would not completely justly get for his house, and they
> had many foolish (?) words concerning this matter. (Z.
> glott: draga g. at e-u, to sneer at)
> And after-that they drew sneers at [them] and great
> mockery (ie they sneered at and greatly mocked them), that
> Markús would not altogether justly lay-hold (<fá til e-s>,
> Z12 ?) of his-own farm, and [they] used (<hafa>, Z4) many
> foolish words concerning this matter.
> Nú við þessi slög þeira ok illt orðalag þá reiddist MarkúsNow at these blows of theirs and ill manner of speaking
> mjök ok kvaðst eigi lengi mundu nenna at sitja sér minnum
> mönnum slíkan ósóma, er þeir tóku upp.
> Now with this defeat of theirs and poor manner of
> speaking, then Markus got very mad and said for himself he
> would not longer be willing for himself to tarry in the
> memory of such disgrace, which they picked up (?).
> Now at these skirmishes and ill manner-of-speaking, then
> Markús became-very-angry (cf <verða reiðr við e-t>, under
> <við>, Z7) and declared-of-himself [that he] would not
> long be inclined to endure (<sitja e-t>, Z6) such
> dishonour (<úsomi>) to his lesser folk (men, ie his
> underlings, manservants), which they took up (If <þeir>
> refers to his manservants <which they put up with,
> endured>; if it refers to their abusers, then <which they
> raised, adopted against (his manservants)?)
> 7. Víg Markúss ok eftirmál.The killing of Markús and the action against the killer.
> The slaying of Markus and action on behalf of a person
> slain against the slayer
> 7. [The] Slaying of Markús and action-against-the
> slayer-on-behalf-of-the-slain.
> Þá er þessi mál hófust, þá dreymdi þann mann draum, erWhen these suits were begun, the man who was called
> Guðbrandr hét Gestsson.
> When this matter began, then that man dreamed a dream, who
> was named Gudbrandr, son of Gest.
> When these affairs began (arose, hefjast) then a dream
> was-dreamt by that person (man) who was-called Guðbrandr
> Gestr’s-son.
> Hann dreymdi þat, at honum þótti maðr koma at sér, mikillHe dreamed that it seemed to him that a man came upon him,
> ok svartr ok illiligr.
> He dreamed that it seemed a man arrived to him, large,
> black, and hideous.
> That was-dreamed by him, that [it] seemed to him a person
> (man) came upon him, tall and black (or baneful) and
> hideous.
> Hann þóttist spyrja, hvat manna hann í væri.It seemed to him that he asked what kind of man he was.
> He thought to ask, what man he would be.
> He bethought himself to ask, what [race] of persons (men)
> he was in (ie belonged to).
> Sá svaraði ok kvað vísu:He [i.e., the visitant] replied and spoke a verse:
> He so answered and quoted verses:
> That-one (ie He) answered and recited a verse:
> Líðr gótt sumar gróðrar.GPH thinks that the mss. better support a reading of
> Gandrekr þrumir. Landa
> heimr es með beztum blóma
> birtr. Nú es ráð at hirtask.
> Mjök es grimmliga glýjaðr,
> gapir hann á sjöt manna
> olmr und ægishjálmi,
> Ingólfr kominn hingat.
> Líðr gróðrar gótt sumar.The good fertile summer passes.
> A summer passes well crops.
> A good summer of growth (gen sg) passes.
> Gandreyðr þrumir landa.Stick-fish of lands [i.e., snake] lies still.
> Heimr es birtr með beztum blóma.The world is brightened with the best blossoms.
> Nú es ráð at hirtask.<Es> here is the old form of <er> ‘is’.
> Now which ready to be chastised.
> Now [it] is a good-idea (lit a plan) to chastiseNow it is advisable to chastise oneself.
> one’s-self.
> Ingólfr es kominn hingat, mjök grimmiliga glýjaðr.Ingólf has come hither, very fiercely gleeful.
> Ingolfr which has come here, very grimly gleeful.
> Ingólfr is (<es> = <er>) come hither, very fiercely
> gleeful.
> Hann gapir olmr und ægishjalmi [œgishjálmr] á sjöt manna.He gapes, savage under terror-helm, at men’s homes.
> He gapes savage (olmr = ólmr?) under a helmet of terror to
> man's company:
> He gapes furious under [the] helmet-of-terror
> (<oegishjálmr>, not to be confused with the helmet of Ægir
> the giant) on [the] abode of people (men, mankind) (ie =
> Earth)
> Gandrekr þrumir.[The] wind is constant.
> A gale-brought-about-by-witchcraft (<gandrekr>) persists
> (sits fast).
> Landa heimr es með beztum blóma birtr.The world is brightened in finest bloom.
> [The] region of lands (as distinct from the seas) is (<es>
> = <er>) illuminated (pp) with the best bloom (blossom, dat
> masc sg of <blómi>)
> Þann draum hyggjum vér verit hafa fyrir þeim ófriði, er áWe think that dream to have been because of the hostilities
> Rauðasandi varð.
> We believe that dream to have been before the hostilities,
> which happened to the Raudasand.
> We believe that dream to have been for (ie to represent)
> that hostility, which happened at Rauðasandr (Red-Sand).
> En fyrir því at lítit er nef várt, en breiðar fjaðrar, þáBut because our beak is small but [our] wings [‘feathers’]
> óx óþykkt með þeim Markúsi ok Inga, svá at eigi var óhætt.
> But before because our nose is little, than a broad
> feather, then discord grew between Markus and Ingi, so
> that it was not without some danger. (Z. úhætt: eigi ú.,
> not without some danger)
> But (And) for that [reason] that our nose (head,
> “intelligence”?) is small, but (and) [our] feathers
> (spear-blades, “martial strength”?, plural) broad, then
> [the] discord between Markús and Ingi grew, so that [it]
> was not without-danger.
> Markús var þingmaðr Jóns Loftssonar, Sæmundarsonar, enMarkús was a þingman of Jón Loftsson, son of Sæmund, but
> Ingi ok Guðlaugr váru þingmenn Hrafns Sveinbjarnarsonar.
> Markus was a thing-man of Jon, son of Loft, son of
> Sanundr, and Ingi and Gudlaugr were thing-men of Hrafn,
> son of Sveinbjarn.
> Markús was a Thing-person (man) (liegeman) of Jón
> Loptr’s-son, son of Sæmundr, but (and) Ingi and Guðlaugr
> were Thing-persons (men) of Hrafn Sveinbjörn’s-son..
> Markús var frændi Hrafns, manni firnari en systrungr.Markús was Hrafn’s kinsman, one degree further removed than
> Markus was Hrafn's kinsman, a man of one degree further
> (of cousinship) and Hrafn's mother’s sister’s son (CV.
> firnari: one degree farther, of odd degrees of cousinship)
> Markús was a kinsman of Hrafn, one degree further to a
> person (man) than mother’s-sister’s-son (ie one degree
> further removed than male cousin).
> Guðlaugr var ok skyldr Hrafni nökkut.Guðlaug was also related to Hrafn in some degree.
> Gudlaugr was also somewhat related to Hrafn.
> Guðlaugr was also related to Hrafn somewhat.
> Þat var eitt haust, at Ingi fór á kynnisleit til StakkaIt was one fall that Ingi went on a visit to Stakkar to
> til Guðlaugs, ok var þar nökkurar nætr.
> It was one fall, that Ingi went on a visit to Stakka to
> Gudlaugr, and he was there a few nights.
> That was one autumn, that Ingi journeyed on a visit to
> Stakkar (Hay-Stacks) to Guðlaugr, and was (ie stayed)
> there several nights.
> En er Ingi skyldi heim fara, þá ræðst Guðlaugr í ferð meðAnd when Ingi was to travel home, Guðlaug goes on the
> honum.
> When Ingi should go home, then Gudlaugr got ready for the
> journey with him.
> But (And) when Ingi should journey home, then Guðlaugr
> joined (<ráðast, Z16>) in [the] journey with him.
> Í þeiri ferð váru synir Inga, Arnórr ok Magnús.On that journey were Ingi’s sons, Arnór and Magnús.
> In their journey were Ingi's sons, Arnorr and Magnus.
> In that journey were [the] sons of Ingi, Arnórr and
> Magnúss.
> Ketill hét maðr, Árni ok Þormóðr, er í þeiri ferð váru.There was a man called Ketil [and others called] Árni and
> A man named Ketill, Arni, and Thormodr, who were in their
> journey.
> [There] was a person (man) called Ketill, Árni and
> Þormóðr, who were in that journey.
> Þeir fóru um tún í Saurbæ.They travelled across the home field in Saurbær.
> They went across a home meadow in Saurbae.
> They journeyed across [the] home-meadow in Saurboer
> (Mud-farm)
> Ok er þeir váru komnir í túngarð, þá kom kona nökkur íAnd when they had arrived at the courtyard, a certain woman
> stofu, sú er úti hafði verit, ok mælti: "Nú fara þeir Ingi
> hér í tún."
> And when they had come to the meadow fnece, then some
> woman arrived in (the) sitting room, the one who had been
> outside, and said: "Now Ingi and company goes here in the
> home meadow."
> And when they were (had) come to [the] home-meadow-fence,
> then some woman came into [the] sitting-room, that-one (ie
> she) who had been outside, and spoke: “Now they, Ingi [and
> co] journey here into [the] home-meadow.