From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 14093
Date: 2018-01-03
> Þeir mættust nú Knútr ok Sigrgarðr.They now met each other, Knút and Sigrgarð.
> Knutr and Sigrgardr now met one another (in battle).
> Now they, Knut and Sigrgard met.
> They, Knútr and Sigrgarðr, now meet-one-another.
> Knútr lagði til hans með kesjunni þeirri er ávallt varðKnút thrust at him with the halberd that always was
> manns bani.
> Knutr thrust at him with the halberd which always was a
> man's death.
> Knut thrust at him with the halberd which always became a
> man’s bane.
> Knútr thrust at him with the-halberd, that-one which
> always became a person´s (man’s) bane.
> Sigrgarðr stökk í loptit, en spjótit kom í lokugatit áSigrgarð leaped into the air, and the spear came into the
> vindásinum ok gat hann ei aptr kippt.
> Sigrgardr leapt in the air, and/but the spear landed on
> the latch-hole at the windlass and he wasn't able to
> snatch it back.
> Sigrgardr sprang aloft, and the spear came in the
> latch-hole of the windlass and he was not able to pull it
> back out.
> Sigrgarðr sprang into the-air, but (and) the-spear came
> into the-latch-hole on the-windlass and he was-not-able to
> pull (it, the spear) back.
> Sigrgarðr kom niðr á spjótskaptit ok braut í sundr fyrirSigrgarð came down on the spearshaft and broke [it] asunder
> framan hendr honum.
> Sigrgardr came down on the the shaft of the spear and
> broke it apart in front of his hands.
> Sigrgard came down on the spear shaft and broke asunder
> before the forepart of his hand? or the spear broke where
> you would hold it????
> Sigrgarðr came down on-to the-spear-shaft, and (he,
> Sigrgarðr, or it, this action) broke (it, the shaft)
> asunder in-front-of his (ie immediately point-side of)
> (Knútr´s) hands.
> Hjó hann þá til Knúts.Then he [S.] hewed at Knút.
> He then struck at Knutr.
> He hewed then at Knut.
> He hewed then at Knútr
> Knútr sá ei færi sitt til úrræða, hljóp hann þá fyrirKnút did not see any [‘his’] way to escape [‘to an escape
> borð, sverðit kom á borðstokkinn, ok var undir járnboltr
> mikill.
> Knutr didn't see his opportunity for help, he then leapt
> overboard, his sword landed on the gunwale, and it/he was
> under a large iron(bolt?).
> Knut did not see his opportunity for help, he leaped then
> overboard, the sword (blow) came on the gunwale and was
> under a huge iron bolt.
> Knútr saw not his opportunity for help (an expedient way
> out), he leapt then over-board, the sword came on-to the
> bulwarks, and a large iron-bolt (nominative) was (ie lay)
> under-(neath).
> Kom sverðit í járnboltinn, ok stökk í sundr undirThe sword landed on the iron bolt and flew asunder below the
> hjöltunum.
> The sword landed on the iron-bolt(?), and flew asunder
> under the knob at the end of the sword hilt.
> The sword came in the iron bolt and flew apart below the
> hilt.
> The sword came into (entered, penetrated) the-iron-bolt,
> and (it, the sword) flew asunder below the guard (of the
> sword) (pl of hjalt, CV).
> Sigrgarðr stökk fyrir borð eptir Knúti, ok fundust þeir áSigrgarð leaped overboard after Knút, and they met on the
> mararbotnum ok var þeira atgangr bæði harðr ok langr, ok
> ætlaði hvárr at festa annan á grunni.
> Sigrgardr leapt overboard after Knutr, and they met
> together at the bottom of the sea, and it was for them
> both hard and long fighting, and each tried to fasten the
> other to the bottom.
> Sigrgard leaped overboard after Knut and they met at the
> sea bottom and their attack (was) both hard and long and
> each intended to fasten the other in the shallows.
> Sigrgarðr sprang over-board after Knútr, and they
> met-one-another on the-sea-bottom, and their combat was
> both hard and long, and each intended to fasten (pin)
> (the) other to (the) shoal-ground.
> Sigrgarðr hafði tekit í posann þann sem kerling hafðiSigrgarð had taken the little bag that the old woman had
> fengit honum, ok brugðit yfir andlit sér, ok mátti hann þá
> vera í kafi svá lengi sem hann vildi.
> Sigrgardr had taken his (Z. í 11 applies here?) bag, the
> one the old woman had given him, and drew it over his
> head, and he could them be under water as long as he
> wanted to.
> Sigrgardr had taken that little bag which the old woman
> had given him and pulled it over his face and he was able
> then to be underwater as long as he wished.
> Sigrgarðr had taken into (the water, underwater, í kafi
> with kafi understood) the-little-bag, that which (the)
> old-woman had gotten for him, and quickly-moved (ie drew)
> (it) over his face, and he then was able to be under-water
> as long as he wanted.
> Hann var þá svá líkr Knúti inum knappa at yfirlitum atHe was then so [much] like Knút inn knappi in looks that
> hvárigan mátti frá öðrum kenna, en síðan sprengði hann
> Knút köfum.
> He was so like Knutr the buttons (??) that the appearance
> that neither could be known from the other, and then he
> made burst Knutr's dive. (?)
> He was then so like Knut the knob in personal appearance?
> that each might be known (mistaken?) for the other and
> afterwards he burst Knut (lungs?) under water.
> He was then so like Knútr the brisk (or knob) in
> appearance that (one) was-able-to recognise neither (of
> the two) (accusative of hvárigr) from (the) other, but
> (and) after-that he caused Knútr to burst (he broke the
> wind of Knútr, cf sprengja hest) from gasping-for-breath
> (kaf, plural, CV) (ie it sounds like Sigrgarðr drowned
> Knútr by not allowing him to come up for air).
> Síðan fór hann í öll hans klæði.After that he put on all of his [K.’s] clothes.
> Then he put on all his clothes.
> Afterwards he put on all in his clothing
> After-that he (Sigrgarðr) went into all his (Knútr’s)
> clothing. (ie another impersonation trick looks like it´s
> about to happen)
> En þeir Stígandi ok Hörðr höfðu rutt skipin á meðan, okAnd in the meantime Stígandi and Hörð had cleared the ships,
> gekk þeim þat vel, en þegar þeir skutu eða hjuggu til
> Harðar þá brá hann við ýmist dausnum eða krippunni, ok
> brotnaði hvert vápn sem þar kom í.
> And/but Stigandi and Hordr had meanwhile cleared the
> ships, and it went well for them, but immediately they
> shot or struck at Hardar, then he warded off with now his
> rump now his hump, and broke whatever weapon that came at
> (him).
> And they, Stigandi and Hordr had cleared the ship in the
> meanwhile and it went well for them, and as soon as they
> shot or smote at Hordr, then he turned his rump or hump
> this way and that and broke each weapon that came in
> there.
> But (And) they, Stígandi and Hörðr, had cleared the-ship
> in-the-meantime, and that went well for them, but (and)
> as-soon-as they (ie Knútr‘s men) shot or hewed at Hörðr,
> then he warded (it) off sometimes with the-rump (ie his
> butt) or sometimes with the-hump (his bulge), and each
> weapon (nominative) which came there-in was broken.
> Var þat allt jafndrjúgt at þeir höfðu rutt drekann, endaIt was already in equally great numbers that they had
> kom þá Knútr upp úr kafinu á þat skip sem næst var
> drekanum.
> It was so equally in great numbers that they had cleared
> the ship of war, and aslo Knutr then came up out of his
> dive to that ship which was next to the warship.
> It was all evenly great numbers that they had cleared off
> the dragon ship and then “Knutr” came up out of the sea
> bottom on that ship that was nearest the dragon.
> That was all so-ample (guessing: they had done all they
> could and reached the point? jafn + drjúgr) they had
> cleared the dragon (prowed warship), and-of-course Knútr
> (really Sigrgarðr in disguise) then came up out-of the
> water on to that ship which was next to the-dragon (prowed
> warship)
> Kallaði hann þá, ok bað menn ei berjast við höfuðlausaHe called out then and told men not to fight with leaderless
> menn.
> He called them, and asked (the) men to not fight with
> leaderless men.
> He called then and bade men not to fight with headless
> (leaderless) men.
> He called then, and bade people (men) not to fight with
> leaderless (lit: headless) people (men).
> Kvað Sigrgarð vera dauðan á mararbotni.[He] declared Sigrgarð to be dead on the sea bottom.
> He said Sigrgardr was dead on the sea bottom.
> He declared Sigrgard to be dead on the sea bottom.
> (He) declared Sigrgarðr to be dead on (the) sea-bottom.
> Brá mönnum mjök við þessa sögu.This statement made a great impression on people.
> Many men started off with this report.
> Men were very anguished at this tale.
> This telling (ie story) startled people (men) much (e-m
> bregða við e-t, Z9).
> Gafst þá upp bardaginn.The battle was then given up.
> Then the battle was given up.
> They gave up the fight.
> The battle (nominative) then was-given up (ie conceded,
> surrendered).
> Fátt var fallit af liði Sigrgarðs; en mestr hluti varFew of Sigrgarð’s company had fallen; but the greatest part
> fallinn af liði Knúts.
> Few were fit of Sigrgardr's army, but the most part of
> Knutr's army were fit.
> Few had fallen of Sigrgardr’s company, and the greatest
> part of Knut’s force had fallen.
> Few were (had) fallen (in battle) of Sigrgarðr’s troops,
> but (and) (the) greatest part of Knútr’s troops was (had)
> fallen (in battle)
> Bauð hann þá öllum mönnum grið sem með Sigrgarði höfðuHe then offered offered a truce [or quarter] to all the men
> verit.
> He then asked all men for a truce as it had been with
> Sigrgardr.
> He offered then all men truce who had been with Sigrgardr.
> He offered then a truce to all persons (men) who had been
> with Sigrgarðr.
> Þeir Hörðr ok Stígandi gengu til handa, ok sóru honumHörð and Stígandi submitted to him [‘went into (his) hands’]
> trúnaðareiða.
> Hordr and Stigandi submitted, and swore an oath of
> allegiance to him. (Z. hönd 1: ganga til handa e-m = to
> put oneself in another’s hands, submit to him
> They Hordr and Stigandi went into his service and swore
> him a loyalty oath.
> They, Hörðr and Stígandi submitted, and swore to him an
> oath-of allegiance.
> En eptir þat bað Knútr alla þá menn sem með SigrgarðiAnd after that Knút told all those men who had been with
> höfðu verit sigla heim aptr í Garðaríki eðr hvert sem þeir
> vildi, ok ei vildi hann af þeira herfangi hafa at væri
> eins skildings.
> And after that Knutr asked all the men who had been with
> Sigrgardr (to) sail back home to Gardariki or whereever as
> they wanted, and he didn't want to have from them booty
> that it would be one shilling.
> And after that Knut bade all those men who had been with
> Sigrgardr to sail home back to Gardariki or wherever they
> wished and he wished not have even one shilling of their
> booty.
> But (And) after that Knútr bade all those men who had been
> with Sigrgarðr to sail back home to Garðaríki (Kingdom of
> Russia), or where-ever they wanted, and he wanted not to
> have (take) booty from them that would-be (a booty) of one
> shilling (he did not want so much as a single shilling
> from them as a booty).