From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13828
Date: 2017-01-10
> 6. Konungr sendi Bósa forsending.[The] king sent Bósi on a dangerous mission.
> The king sends Bosi on a dangerous mission
> The king sends Bosi on a dangerous mission
> 6. (The) King sent (past tense) Bósi on a
> dangerous-mission.
> At morgni dags er konungr snemma uppi ok lét blása tilNext morning [the] king is up early and had horns blown to
> þings, ok váru þeir þangat leiddir Herrauðr ok Bósi.
> At the morning of the day (i.e., "in the morning") the
> king is up early had the (trumpets) blown for the
> assembly, and Herraudr and Bosi were led there.
> In the morning when the king got up early and had
> (assembly) blown for the Thing, and they were led thither,
> Herraudr and Bosi.
> Next (day´s) morning, (the) king is up early and caused to
> summon-by-blowing (a horn) to a meeting, and they,
> Herrauðr and Bósi, were led thither.
> Konungr spyrr þá ráðgjafa sína, hvat við þá skyldi gera,[The] king then asks his counsellors what should be done
> en flestir báðu hann vægja við Herrauð.
> The king then asks his counsellors what should be done
> with them, and most asked him to yield to Herraudr.
> The King asks his counsellor then, what (he) should do
> with them, and most bade (him) spare Herraudr.
> (The) King asks then his counsellors (advice-givers), what
> (one) should do with them, but (and) most bade him to
> yield to Herrauðr.
> Þá mælti konungr til hans: "Lítils viltu virða mik," segirThen [the] king said to him: ‘You want to think poorly of
> hann, "en nú vil ek gera þat fyrir bæn vina minna, at Bósi
> skal hafa lífs grið ok lima, ok skal hann fara ór landi ok
> koma eigi aftr, fyrr en hann fær mér þat gammsegg, at
> skrifat er allt með gullstöfum utan, ok erum vit þá
> sáttir, en elligar skal hann heita hvers manns níðingr.
> Then the king said to him: "You think little of me," he
> says, "but now I want to do that for a request of my
> friends, that Bosi shall have safety for life and limbs,
> and he shall go out of the country and not return back
> before he gets me that vulture's egg, that is written all
> outside with gold letters, and we are then reconciled, or
> else he shall be reckoned ever so much (to be) low of men.
> (Z. virða 2: virða lítils = to think or make light of)
> Then the king spoke to him, “I don’t think much of it,”
> says he, “ and now I will do that request for my friends,
> that Bosi shall have quarter for life and limb and he
> shall go out of the country and not come back before he
> brings me that vulture egg that is written upon all over
> the outside with gold? and we are then reconciled, or else
> he shall be called by every man a scoundrel.
> Then (the) king spoke to him: “You-want to think little of
> me,” says he, “but (and) now I want to do that, because-of
> (fyrir, Z11) (the) entreaty/ies of my friends, that Bósi
> shall have safety for life and limbs, and he shall journey
> out-of (the) land and not come back, before he gets me
> that vulture’s-egg, that is completely written with
> golden-letters outside, and we-two are then reconciled,
> but (and) otherwise he shall be-called (reckoned, heita,
> Z3) (the) scoundrel of every man (genitive).
> En Herrauðr fari hvárt, er hann vill, at fylgja Bósa, eðaBut Herrauð may do whichever he wants, accompany Bósi or
> geri hvert ráð fyrir sér, sem hann vill, því at eigi munum
> vit samvistum saman vera at svá búnu."
> And Herraudr would go whether, if he wants, to follow Bosi
> or do whatever (he) wishes for himself, as he wants,
> because we will not be living together at present."
> And Herraudr may go wherever he will, to accompany Bosi or
> do whatever plan for himself as he will because we will
> not be living together as matters stand.”
> But (And) Herrauðr either (hvárt…eða?) should-journey,
> where he wants, to accompany Bósi, or should-look out for
> himself (cf göra ráð fyrir e-u, under ráð Z1?), howsoever
> he wants, because we-two will not be living together
> (together) as matters stand.
> Váru þeir þá leystir báðir, ok fóru þeir þá til ÞvaraThey both were then released, and they travelled then to the
> karls ok váru hjá honum um vetrinn.
> They were then both freed, and they then went to commoner
> Thvara and they were with him during the winter.
> They were then both released and they went then to
> commoner Thvari and stayed near him during the winter.
> They were then both set-free, and they journeyed then to
> commoner Þvari and were (ie stayed) with him during
> the-winter.
> En er váraði, bjuggu þeir ferð sína ór landi ok höfðu eittAnd when spring came they made ready for their journey out
> skip ok á fjóra menn ok tuttugu, ok fóru þeir mjök at
> tilvísan Buslu, ok heldu þeir í Austrveg ok kómu undir
> Bjarmaland ok lögðu undir einn eyðiskóg.
> And when it became spring, they prepared their journey out
> of the country, and they had one ship and had between 23
> and 24 men, and they went much (according) to Busla's
> guidance, and they steered to the East, and they landed
> below Bjarmaland and they settled below a wild wood. (??
> Z. á A 5, meaning between two numbers, one implied)
> And when it became spring, they prepared for their journey
> out of the country and had one ship and on it 24 men and
> they went much at Busla’s direction and steered to the
> East way and arrived below Bjarmaland and anchored under a
> certain wild wood.
> But (And) when (it) became-spring, they prepared for their
> journey out-of (the) land and had (took, hafa Z7) one ship
> and four and twenty men on (á) (it), and they journeyed
> much according-to the-direction of Busla, and they held
> (course) to (the) East-Way and came below Bjarmaland (Land
> of the Perm tribe), and stood-in-towards a certain
> wild-wood.
> 7. Þeir Bósi gistu at Hóketils.Bósi and his companions spent a night at Hóketil’s [place].
> Bosi (and company) spend the night at Hoketil.
> They stayed overnight at Hoketil
> 7. They, Bósi (and co) passed-the-night (past tense) with
> Hóketill.
> Hárekr hét sá konungr, er þar réð þá fyrir.The king who then ruled there was called Hárek.
> The king was named Harekr, who then ruled over there.
> Harekr was the name of that king who ruled there then.
> That King was-called Hárekr, who then ruled over there.
> Hann var kvángaðr ok átti tvá sonu.He was married and had two sons.
> He was married and had two sons.
> He was married and had two sons.
> He was married, and had two sons.
> Hét annarr Hrærekr, en annarr Siggeirr.One was called Hrærek and the other Siggeir.
> One was named Hraerekr, and the other Siggeirr.
> The one (named) Hraerekr and the other Siggeirr.
> The-one was-called Hrærekr, but (and) the-other Siggeirr.
> Þeir váru kappar miklir ok hirðmenn Goðmundar konungs áThey were great champions and king’s men of king Goðmund of
> Glæsivöllum ok landvarnarmenn hans.
> They were great men of valor and king's men of king
> Godmundr a Glaesivollum (Adorned-valleys?) and his men in
> defence of the land.
> They were great champions and kings men of King Godmundr
> at Glaesivellir and his land defenders.
> They were great men-of-valour and (the) king’s-men of King
> Goðmundr in Glæsivellir (Splendid-Plains?) and his
> national-security-guards.
> Dóttir konungs hét Edda.[The] king’s daughter was called Edda.
> The king's daughter was named Edda.
> The king’s daughter was named Edda.
> (The) King´s daughter was-called Edda.
> Hún var fríð sýnum ok um flesta hluti vel kunnandi.She was fair of face and very knowledgeable in most things.
> She was fair of face (Z. sýn 3) and concerning many things
> well known.
> She was fair of face and well accomplished regarding many
> things.
> She was beautiful to (the) sight (ie fair of face) and
> highly accomplished concerning many things.
> Nú er at segja frá þeim fóstbræðrum, at þeir váru komnirNow [it] is to be said of those foster brothers that they
> undir Bjarmaland ok þann skóg, er Vínuskógr heitir.
> Now we must take up the story concerning the
> foster-brothers, and they had arrived below Bjarmaland and
> that forest, where it is called Wine-forest.
> Next (we) speak of those fosterbrothers, that they had
> arrived below Bjarmaland and that forest which is called
> Friend’s? forest.
> Now (one) is to say about those foster-brothers, that they
> were come below Bjarmaland (Land of the Perm tribe), and
> that wood, which is called Vínuskógr (Vína? Wood).
> Þeir reistu tjald á landi mjök fjarri mannavegum.They raised a tent on land very far from travelled roads.
> They set up tents (Z says that these could be tents on
> ships when a ship is in harbor) very far off roads where
> men pass.
> They raised a tent on land with very few roads.
> They raised tents on land very far from
> roads-where-men-pass (a long way off the beaten track)
> Um morguninn sagði Bósi mönnum sínum, at þeir HerrauðrThe next morning Bósi told his men that he and Herrauð would
> mundu ganga á land ok kanna skóginn ok vita, hvers þeir
> yrði vísir.
> During the morning, Bosi said to his men that Herraudr and
> others would go to land and explore the forest and see
> whatever they ("they" = the woods?) must show.
> During the morning Bosi said to his men that they (he and)
> Herraudr would go to the country and explore the forest
> and find out who was the leader?
> Next morning Bósi said to his people (men), that they,
> Herrauðr (and he) would go (on foot) in (the) land) and
> explore the-wood and try-to-find-out, of-what they become
> aware (víss, adj).
> "En þér skuluð bíða okkar hér mánuð, en ef vit komum þá‘And you should wait for us here for a month, and if we do
> eigi aftr, þá skuluð þér sigla, hvert sem þér vilið."
> "And you should wait for us here a month, but if we don't
> come back, they you should sail to wherever you wanted."
> “And you should wait her for us for a month, but if we
> don’t come back then, then you shall sail wherever you
> wish.”
> “But (And) you shall wait for us for a month, but /and) if
> we-two come not back then, then you shall sail, wherever
> you want (2nd pers pl present throughout).”