From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13751
Date: 2016-09-27
> Það var eitt haust að Steinólfur fór sunnan yfir fjörð.It was a certain fall that Steinólf travelled south across
> It was one autumn that Steinolfr went south beyond (the)
> fiord.
> It was one fall that Steinolfr went from the south over
> the fjord.
> That was one autumn (fall) that Steinólfr journeyed
> from-the-south along (the) fjord.
> Þeir voru tíu á skipi og ætla þegar aftur.They were ten aboard the ship and intend [to go] back at
> There were ten on a ship, and (they) intended (to go) back
> immediately
> They were ten on the ship and expected to go back
> immediately.
> They were ten on (the) ship and intend (to go) back
> at-once (ie not to stay overnight).
> En er þeir voru vestur komnir hljóp á útsynningur meðBut when they had come west a southwesterly gale sprang up
> stormi og máttu þeir eigi þann dag aftur fara.
> But when they had come west, a southest wind with a storm
> springs upon them, and they weren't able that day to go
> back.
> But when they had come west, a southwesterly gale came up
> with a storm and they were not able to go back that day.
> But (And) when they were (had) come west, a south-westerly
> gale sprang up (hlaupa á, Z4) with fury (stormr, Z2) and
> they could not that day go back.
> En þegar Heimlaug völva vissi það sendi hún mann til ÞórisAnd as soon as Heimlaug [the] spaewife knew that, she sent a
> og bað hann skjótt við bregða ef hann vildi Steinólf finna
> en hún kvaðst mundu ráða að veðrið félli eigi.
> And at once Heilaug (the) sibyl knew that, she sent a man
> to Thoris and asked him to start off at once if he wanted
> to find Steinolfr, and she said for herself (that she)
> would command the wind not to fall. (Z. bregða við = to
> start off, set about a thing without delay)
> And as soon as witch Heimlaug knew that, she sent a man to
> Thorir and bade him start off at once if he wanted to find
> Steinolfr, and she said they would be advised? that the
> bad weather would not calm down.
> But as-soon-as Heimlaug (the) Sybil knew that, she sent a
> person (man) to Þórir and bade him speedily
> start-off-without-delay if he wanted to meet Steinólfr but
> (and) she declared-of-herself (that she) would devise (or
> command) that the-weather (wind) fell (abated) not.
> Þórir reið þegar heiman og vill ekki mönnum safna því aðÞóri rode from home at once and does not want to gather men,
> hann hugði að þá mundu njósnir koma Steinólfi ef nokkur
> dvöl yrði á.
> Thorir rode at once from home and doesn't want to gather
> men because he thought that news would come to Steinolfr
> if some delay happened. (Z. verða á = to come on, happen)
> Thorir rode from home at once and wanted no men to sleep
> because he thought that then news would come to Steinolfr
> if any delay happened.
> Þórir rode at-once from-home and wants not to a gather
> (safna not sofna) people (men) because he thought that
> then intelligence-reports would come to Steinólfr if some
> delay happened (ie if he wasted time assembling the
> troops).
> Þeir fóru heiman með honum Guðmundur son hans ogThese travelled from home with him: Guðmund his son and
> Vöflu-Gunnar, Kinnarsynir tveir.
> His son Gudmundr, Voflu-Gunnar, and (the) two sons of
> Kinnar went from home with him.
> They, Gudmundr, his son, and Voflu-Gunnar, and two of
> Kinnr’s sons, went with him from home.
> They journeyed from-home with him: Guðmundr his son and
> Vöflu-Gunnarr, two sons-of Kinn (ie Þuríðr Drikkinn,
> Bum-Cheek).
> Þuríður móðir þeirra segir að meir var ferð sjá ger meðÞuríð, their mother, says that this journey was made more
> ráði Heimlaugar en sínu, að fara við svo fá menn í hendur
> Steinólfi.
> Their mother Thuridr says that more it was the journey is
> made with Heilaug's advice than hers, to go with so few
> men into Steinolf's hands.
> Thurid, their mother, says that more was this journey done
> with Heimlaug’s advice than hers, to go along with so few
> men against Steinolfr.
> Þuríðr (Drikkinn) their mother says this journey was made
> more with (ie based on) (the) advice of Heimlaug than of
> her, to go with so few people (men) into (the) hands of
> Steinólfr.
> Þórir kvað nú eigi að síður fara skulu.Þóri said now that they should nevertheless go.
> Thorir didn't say now that (any) less they should go.
> Thorir said now that they should not go later.
> Þórir declared now that (one) shall not journey less
> (síðr, not síðarr) (ie that was still not reason enough
> not to continue)
> Þeir fóru heiman átta og Vafspjara-Grímur úr Múla og maðurThey travelled from home eight [in number], and
> með honum.
> They went from home eight (altogether), and
> Vafspjara-Grimr from Mula and a man with him.
> They went eight from home and Vafspjara-Grimr out of Muli
> and a man with him.
> They, eight (of them), journey from home, and
> Vafspjara-Grímr out-of Múli and a person (man) with him.
> En er þeir komu suður yfir Þorskafjörð sendi Þórir orðAnd when they came south across Þorskafjörð, Þóri sent word
> Óttari fóstbróður sínum í Mársdal.
> And when they arrived south beyond Thorskafiord, Thorir
> sends word to his fosterbrother Ottar in Marsdale.
> And when they came south over Thorskafjord, Thorir sent
> word to Ottar, his foster brother, in Marsdale.
> But (And) when they came south along Þorskafjörðr
> (Cod´s-Fjord) Þórir sent word to Óttarr his foster-brother
> in Mársdalr (Márr’s-Dale).
> Hann kom til hans við annan mann.He [= Ó.] came to him [= Þ.] with another man.
> He came to him with another man.
> He came to him with another man.
> He came to him with another person (man).
> Þeir riðu tólf inn til Steinólfsdals.They rode, twelve [in number], inland to Steinólfsdal.
> The twelve ride inward to Steinolfdale.
> They rode (as) twelve in to Steinolfr’s dales.
> They, twelve (of them), rode inwards (-along the fjord) to
> Steinólfsdalr (Steinólfr’s-Dale).
> En þeir Steinólfur höfðu farið tíu til að festa hey upp íAnd Steinólf and his companions had gone, ten [in number],
> dali en aðrir tíu voru heima.
> Steinolf and nine others had gone to hang up hay
> (presumably for drying) in a valley, and another ten were
> at home. (I had pictured them stuck on the boat, but they
> must have been prevented from returning by boat.)
> But they, Steinolfr and company, had gone (as) ten to dry
> hay up in the dale and another ten were at home.
> But (And) they Steinólfr (and co) had journeyed, ten (of
> them), to hang up hay in (the) dale but (and) another ten
> were at-home.
> Heyið stóð víða um dalinn og voru þeir mjög dreift umThe hay was situated all over the valley, and they were
> dalinn.
> The hay stood widely around the valley, and they
> (presumably Steinolfr and friends) were very much
> scattered around the valley.
> The hay stood widely about the dale and they were very
> scattered about the dale.
> The-hay stood far-and-wide around the-dale and they (ie
> Steinólfr and his mates) were very scattered (dispersed)
> around the-dale.
> En er þeir Þórir sáu hvað þeir höfðust að skildust þeir íAnd when Þóri and his companions saw what they were doing,
> reiðinni til að henda þá.
> And when Thorir and his band saw that they did divide
> themselves, they in hot-temper (went) to catch them. (??)
> And when they, Thorir and company, saw what they were
> doing, they separated in the ride to attack them.
> But (And) when they, Þórir (and co) saw what they
> were-doing (hafast at, Z15), they (ie Þórir and co)
> split-up in the-riding (reið + def art, f. dat sg) in
> order to pick them up by hand (to pick them off
> one-by-one?).
> Voru þá hleypingar miklar.There was [‘were’] then much galloping [‘great gallopings’].
> There was then much galloping. (plural in O.I.)
> They were galloping much.
> Were then great gallopings (a mad frenzy of galloping
> around).
> Steinólfur kallar á sína menn og bað þá heim halda tilSteinólf calls out to his men and told them to head home to
> bæjar og láta húsin gæta sín og er þeir komu heim að
> túngarði verða þeir tólf.
> Steinolfr calls to his men and asks them (to) steer home
> to the farms and cause to take care of his house, and when
> they arrived home at the fence they would be 12.
> Steinolfr calls to his men and bad them keep for home to
> the farm and have the house protect them and when they
> came home to the home field they were twelve.
> Steinólfr calls to his people (men) and bade them hold
> (course) homewards to (the) farmstead (gen sg) and
> to-cause to guard the-farm-buildings of his and when they
> came home to the home-field-fence they became (ie were)
> twelve.
> Kvaðst Steinólfur þá eigi lengra renna vilja.Steinólf said then that he did not want to run farther.
> Steinolfr said for himself then (that) he didn't want to
> run anymore.
> Steinolfr said then he did not want to run any longer.
> Steinólfr declared-of-himself then to want to run (away)
> no longer.
> Höfðu þá látist fimm menn Steinólfs.Five of Steinólf’s men had then died.
> Five of Steinolfr's men had then died.
> (By) Then five men of Steinolfr’s had died.
> Five people (men) of Steinólfr´s had then (ie by that
> time) died.
> Þeir komu fyrst eftir Kinnarsynir, Gunnar og þrír mennThese pursued first: the Kinnarsons, Gunnar, and three other
> aðrir.
> They arrived first after Kinnar's sons, Gunnar and three
> other men.
> They came first after Kinnr’s son, Gunnar and three other
> men.
> They, (the) sons-of-Kinn (Cheek), Gunnar and three other
> persons (men) came first after (him, them).
> Þórhallur hjó þegar til Steinólfs og kom á fótinn.Þórhall struck at once at Steinólf and hit his leg.
> At once Thorhallr struck at Steinolf, and it landed on his
> foot.
> Thorhallr struck at once at Steinolfr and the blow came at
> the leg.
> Þórhallr hewed at-once at Steinólfr and (it, the blow)
> came on-to the-leg.
> Var það mikið sár.It was a great wound.
> It was a big wound.
> It was a serious wound.
> That was a great wound.
> En Steinólfur lagði til hans og kom á hann miðjan.And Steinólf thrust at him and hit him in the middle.
> But Steinolfr stabbled at him, and it struck him in the
> middle.
> But Steinolfr thrust at him and the blow came in his
> middle.
> But (And) Steinólfr thrust towards him and (it, the blow)
> came on-to (ie struck) him in-the-middle.
> Þórhallur gekk á lagið upp að höndum honum og hjó enn tilÞórhall went against the thrust up to his [= S.] hands and
> hans og veitti honum mikið sár.
> Thorhallr broke the thrust up at this hands, and yet
> struck at him and gave him a big wound. (??)
> Thorhallr pierced ?? thrust? up at his hands and still
> hewed at him and gave him a serious wound.
> Þórhallr went up at the-thrust at his hands (?) and hewed
> still at him and inflicted on him a great wound.
> Í því kom Þórir að og voru þá fallnir þrír menn af þeimAt that moment Þóri arrived, and three men of Þórhall’s
> Þórhalli.
> At that moment, Thorir arrived to (that place) and then
> three of Thorallr's men were killed. (CV í B: í því = in
> the very moment, then)
> At that Thorir came and then three men had fallen of
> Thorhall’s.
> In that (instant) Þórir came at (them) (ie attacked) and
> three men of them, Þórhallr (and co), were then fallen (in
> battle)
> Þórir barðist þá djarflega.Þóri then fought boldly.
> Thorir fought them boldly.
> Thorir fought then boldly.
> Þórir fought then bravely.