From: rob13567
Message: 13750
Date: 2016-09-26
En þenna sama dag reið Atli son Úlfs hins skjálga norðan yfir heiði við tólfta mann.
And this same day, Atli, son of Ulfr the Squinter, rode from the north over the moor with 11 men.
Hann varð var við fundinn og fór til og réð þegar til meðalgöngu og kvaðst þeim veita mundu er að hans orðum vildi gera og þar kom að hann fékk skilið þá því að hvorirtveggju voru mjög sárir.
He became aware of the meeting and went to (it), and immediately rushed in upon the intercession and told them they would help when that his words wanted to do, and there it came upon them that he was able to divide them because each of the two were very wounded. (??)
Þar létust fimm menn af Þóri en fimmtán af Steinólfi.
Five men of Thorir's died there, and 15 of Steinolfr's.
Þar heitir Grásteinsdæld er þeir börðust upp frá Bæ.
At that place it is called Grasteinsdoeld, where they fought up beyond Bae.
Atli fylgir þeim Steinólfi heim í Bæ og voru bundin sár þeirra.
Atli accompanies Steinolf and the other home to Bae, and their wounds were bound up.
Þeir Þórir riðu vestur heim og voru allir sárir og engi maður komst ósár af þeim fundi.
Thorir and the others rode west home, and they were all wounded, and no man escaped uninjured from the fight.
Um daginn eftir fór Steinólfur heim suður til Fagradals og lá lengi í sárum um haustið og greri seint.
The next day, Steinolfr went south home to Fagradale, and lay long in his wounds, and during the fall also healed slowly.
En um veturinn sló í verk og rifnuðu aftur þá er gróin voru og dó hann af þeim sárum.
And/but during the winter it arose a work, and his wounds opened up again, those which were healed, and he died of the wounds. (??)
Þórir hafði og mjög sár orðið og greru hans sár skjótt.
Thorir also had a many wounds happen, and his wounds soon healed.
En eftir þenna fund tók Þórir skapskipti.
And after this meeting, Thorir changed his mind.
Gerðist hann þá mjög illur viðfangs.
He then became very hard to deal with.
Það haust hurfu kistur þær er hann hafði gera látið að Valshellisgulli og vissi engi síðan hvað af þeim var orðið.
That fall the chests disappeared which he had left (?) at Valshellisgull (Val's-cave-gold), and no one knew since (then) what had become of them.
20. kafli
Nú er frá því að segja að til hefnda eftir Steinólf var Þorsteinn son hans og þeir feðgar, Sleitu-Björn og Þjóðrekur dótturson Steinólfs.
Now it is to relate that after revenge for Steinolfr was his son Thorstein and the father and son, Sleitu-Bjorn and Thjordrekr, Steinolf's grandchild.
Atli Úlfsson leitaði um sætt með þeim og vildu Saurbæingar ekki sættast ef eigi færu þeir utan er mest höfðu gengið að vígum þeim.
Alti Ulfson tried to effect a peace between them, and the Saurbaeingars didn't want to come to terms if they didn't go abroad (those) who most had gone to battle (against) them.
Þórir vildi ekki utan fara.
Thorir didn't want to go abroad.
Var Steinólfur bættur fé miklu.
Steinolfr was attoned for by much wealth.
En Guðmundur og Vafspjara-Grímur, Vöflu-Gunnar og Óttar skyldu utan fara og vera brott lengi...
But Gudmundr and Varspjara-Grimr, Voflu-Gunnar, and Ottar should go abroad and be away a long...
(Hér vantar eitt blað í handritið.)
(One page of the manuscript is missing here.)
... gátu eigi fylgt honum o... er hann sá bardagann hamaðist hann.
... wasn't able to pursue him o... when he saw the battle, he raged like a beserk.
En er hann kom ofan á fjöruna þá féll Steinn niður ... vörðust af skipinu.
And when he came down to the beaches, then Stein fell down dead ... defended from the ship.