From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13666
Date: 2016-04-19
> Ekki vildi Þórir sættast við Þorbjörn um fjárupptakið ogÞóri did not want to come to terms with Þorbjörn concerning
> kvað þá skyldu greiða með sér í tómi.
> Thorir didn't want to settle with Thorbjorn concerning the
> seizure of his property and told them (that they) should
> arrange with him at leisure.
> Thorir didn't want to be reconciled with Torbjorn
> regarding the seizure of property and said then (they)
> should settle with each other at their leisure.
> Þórir wanted not to come-to-terms with Þorbjörn about
> the-seizure-of-his-property and declared (that) they (þá)
> should settle-up between themselves (?) at leisure.
> Lét Þórir nú heim fara alla sína fóstbræður og var núNow Þóri had all of his foster brothers travel home, and
> kyrrt um hríð.
> Thorir now had all his foster-brothers go home and it was
> now quiet for a while.
> Thorir let all of his fosterbrothers go home now and it
> was quiet now for a time.
> Þórir made now all his foster-brothers journey home and
> (it) was now quiet for a while.
> Þar er nú til að taka að Guðmundur son Þóris óx upp í MúlaIt is now time to take [up the tale] that Guðmund, Þóri’s
> með Eyjólfi þar til er hann var níu vetra gamall.
> There is now to begin (the story) that Gudmundr, Thoris'
> son, grew up in Mula with Eyjolf until he was 9 years old.
> Now it is (time) to take (up the tale) that Gudmund,
> Thorir's son grew up in Mul with Eyjolf until he was nine
> winters old.
> (One) is now to take (the story) there (ie to this point),
> that Guðmundr, son of Þórir, grew up in Múli (Mull) with
> Eyjólfr until he was nine winters (ie years) old.
> Hann var þá ákafa mikill og sterkur.He was then very impetuous [‘great of impetuousness’] and
> He was then very vehement and strong.
> He was then impetuous and strong.
> He was then very (gen of ákafi, see Z1) tall (mikill) and
> strong.
> Hann fór þá heim til föðurs síns.Then he went home to his father.
> He then went home to his father.
> He went home to his father.
> He journeyed then home to his father.
> Nú fór svo fram um hríð að hann þroskaðist heima.It now happened thus for a while, that he grew up at home.
> Now it so went forward a while that he grew up at home.
> Now it went forward for a time that he grew up at home.
> Now (it) went forward (ie went on) for a while so that he
> grew-up-to-full-age at-home.
> Það var einn dag að Þórir kvaddi hann til farar með sér ogOne day Þóri summoned him to a journey with him, and [they]
> riðu inn með Þorskafirði og stefndu til Uppsala.
> It was one day that Thorir called on him to go with him,
> and they rode in by Thorskafirth (Cod-firth) and headed
> for Uppsala.
> It was one day that Thorir summoned him to go with him and
> they ride in along Thorskafirth and directed (their
> travel) to Uppsala.
> That was one day that Þórir summoned him to a journey
> (för, noun not verb) with him and (they) rode in along
> Þorskafjörðr (Cod Fjord) and headed towards Uppsalir.
> Þorbjörn var úti og kenndi för Þóris.Þorbjörn was outside and and perceived Þóri’s journey.
> Thorbjorn was then outside and recognized Thoris.
> Thorbjorn was outdoors and recognized Thorir.
> Þorbjörn was outside and perceived (the) journey of Þórir.
> Hann mælti við Örn son sinn: "Hér ríður Þórir og son hansHe spoke to his son Örn: ‘Þóri is riding here, and his son,
> og mun ætla að hefna þess er við tókum féð.
> He spoke with his son Orn: "Thorir and his son ride here
> and will intend to avenge that when we took livestock.
> He spoke with Orn, his son, "Here rides Thorir and his son
> and (he) will expect to avenge this when we took the
> wealth.
> He spoke with Örn his son.: “Here rides Þórir and his son
> and (he) will intend to avenge that when we took
> the-property.
> Nú vil eg að þú farir sem skjótast á Hofstaði og segirNow I want you to go as fast as possible to Hofstaðir and
> Halli að hann komi til liðs við mig en eg mun á meðan
> verjast úr húsunum og munu ekki skjót umskipti verða með
> okkur Þóri."
> Now I want that you go as soon as possible to Hofstad and
> tell Hallr that he should come to help me, and I will
> meanwhile defend myself outside the houses and will not be
> fast a change between us, Thorir (and me).
> Now I want that you go as quickly as possible to
> Templestead and tell Hallr that he (should) come to my aid
> and I will meanwhile defend myself out of? the buildings
> and (things?) will not quickly become changed with our
> Thorir."
> Now I want that you go as speedily as possible to
> Hofstaðir (Temple-Steads) and say to Hallr that he
> should-come to the assistance of me but (and) I will
> in-the-meantime defend-myself out-of the-farm-buildings
> and sudden changes (indecisive-battles?) (CV) (nom. neut
> plural) will not happen between us, Þórir (and myself).”
> Örn hefir sig þegar frá bænum.Örn immediately leaves [‘takes himself from’] the farm.
> Orn brings himself at once from the farms.
> Orn betakes himself from the farm.
> Örn sets-off (hefja, Z3) at-once from the-farmstead (sg).
> Þetta sér Þórir og mælti við Guðmund: "Maður rennur þar útÞóri sees this and said to Guðmund: ‘A man is running away
> frá bænum á Uppsölum og mun sá sendur til Hofstaða til
> Halls.
> Thorir sees this and said to Gudmundr: "A man is running
> there out from the farms to Uppsala and he will send to
> Hofstad for Hall. (?)
> Thorir sees this and spoke with Gudmund, "A man is running
> there out from the farm to Uppsala and that one will be
> sent to Templestead to Hallr.
> Þórir sees this and spoke with Guðmundr: “A person (man)
> runs there out from the-farmstead (sg) at Uppsalir and
> that-one (ie he) will (be) sent (past participle) to
> Hofstaðir (Temple-Steads) to Hallr.
> Far þú eftir honum og dvel hann."Go after him and delay him.’
> Go after him and delay him."
> You go after him and delay him."
> Go-you after him and delay him.”
> Hann sneri eftir Erni og bað hann bíða.He goes after Örn and asked him to wait.
> He goes after Orn and asked him to wait.
> He turns after Orn and bade him wait.
> He turns (ie goes) after Örn and bade him to wait.
> Örn nam staðar og reiddi upp öxi mikla er hann hafði íÖrn stopped and brandished a large axe that he had in [his]
> hendi.
> Orn halted and raised up a large axe that he hand in (his)
> hand.
> Orn stopped and brandished up a huge axe which he had in
> hand.
> Örn halted (lit: took a spot) and brandished up a large
> axe which he had in (his) hand.
> Guðmundur hljóp af baki og rann að honum með spjótið ogGuðmund sprang from his horse and ran at him with his spear
> lagði í gegnum hann en Örn gekk á lagið og hjó til hans og
> yfir öxlina og brotnaði í sundur öxarskaftið en hyrnan kom
> í herðarblað Guðmundi og varð hann lítt sár.
> Gudmundr dismounted and ran at him with his spear and
> stabbed through him, and Orn broke the thrust and hacked
> at him across his shoulders and the axe-handle broke in
> pieces, but the axe-point landed on Gudmundr's
> shoulder-blade and he became a little wounded.
> Gudmund dismounted and ran towards him with a spear and
> thrust it through him, but Orn went to thrusting?? and
> hewed at him and over with the axe and it broke apart the
> shaft of the axe, but the horn of the axe came in
> Gudmund's shoulderblade and he was slightly injured.
> Guðmundr leapt off (horse)-back and ran at (ie attacked)
> him with the-spear and thrust through him but (and) Örn
> went to (survived, responded to?) the-thrust and hewed at
> him and above (across) the-shoulder and the-axe-handle
> (subject) was-broken asunder but the-point-of-the-axe-head
> came into Guðmundr’s shoulder-blade and he became (ie was)
> a little wounded.
> Eftir það féll Örn þar á götunni og heitir þar núAfter that Örn fell dead on the road there, and that place
> Traustagata.
> After that Orn fell (dead) there at the path and it is
> called there now Traustagata (Strong-path).
> After that Orn fell there to the road and it is called
> there now Venture? road.
> After that Örn fell (in battle) there on the-path and
> there is-called Traustagata (Path of Supports (?)).
> Þórir reið heim á bæinn að Uppsölum en Þorbjörn stóð íÞóri rode home to the farm at Uppsalir, and Þorbjörn stood
> dyrum með vopnum.
> Thorir rode home to his farm at Uppsala, and Thorbjorn
> remained inside with his weapons.
> Thorir rides home to the farm to Uppsala, but Thorbjorn
> stood in the doorway with weapons.
> Þórir rode “homewards” to the-farmstead at Uppsalir but
> (and) Þorbjörn stood in (the) doorway with weapons.
> Gekk Þórir upp að dyrunum en Þorbjörn lagði spjóti tilÞóri went up to the doorway, and Þorbjörn thrust a spear at
> hans en Þórir hjó það af skafti.
> Thorir went up to the door, and Thorbjorn thrust a spear
> at him, but Thorir hacked off the shaft.
> Thorir went up to the door, but Thorbjorn thrust a spear
> at him, but Thorir hewed it off the shaft.
> Þórir walked up to the-doorway but (and) Þorbjorn thrust a
> spear towards him but (and) Þórir hewed that from (the)
> shaft.
> Þá brá Þorbjörn sverði og hjó til Þóris og kom í hjálminnThen Þorbjörn drew a sword and struck at Þóri and [the
> en sverðið brotnaði undir hjöltunum.
> Then Thorbjorn drew (his) sword and struck at Thoris with
> it, and it landed on his helmet, and the sword broke below
> the hilt.
> Then Thorbjorn drew a sword and hewed at Thorir and (the
> blow) came in the helmet and the sword broke off at the
> hilt.
> Then Þórbjorn drew a sword and hewed at Þórir and (it, ie
> the sword, blow) came into the-helmet but (and) the-sword
> was-broken under (ie below) the-guard.