Re: Gull-Thoris Saga 12 C + 13 A -- Rob's Translation

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13666
Date: 2016-04-19

> Ekki vildi Þórir sættast við Þorbjörn um fjárupptakið og
> kvað þá skyldu greiða með sér í tómi.

> Thorir didn't want to settle with Thorbjorn concerning the
> seizure of his property and told them (that they) should
> arrange with him at leisure.

> Thorir didn't want to be reconciled with Torbjorn
> regarding the seizure of property and said then (they)
> should settle with each other at their leisure.

> Þórir wanted not to come-to-terms with Þorbjörn about
> the-seizure-of-his-property and declared (that) they (þá)
> should settle-up between themselves (?) at leisure.

Þóri did not want to come to terms with Þorbjörn concerning
the seizure of property and said that they should settle
with each other at leisure.

To explain <þá> 'they', note that his is an acc. + inf.

> Lét Þórir nú heim fara alla sína fóstbræður og var nú
> kyrrt um hríð.

> Thorir now had all his foster-brothers go home and it was
> now quiet for a while.

> Thorir let all of his fosterbrothers go home now and it
> was quiet now for a time.

> Þórir made now all his foster-brothers journey home and
> (it) was now quiet for a while.

Now Þóri had all of his foster brothers travel home, and
nothing happened for a while.

> Þar er nú til að taka að Guðmundur son Þóris óx upp í Múla
> með Eyjólfi þar til er hann var níu vetra gamall.

> There is now to begin (the story) that Gudmundr, Thoris'
> son, grew up in Mula with Eyjolf until he was 9 years old.

> Now it is (time) to take (up the tale) that Gudmund,
> Thorir's son grew up in Mul with Eyjolf until he was nine
> winters old.

> (One) is now to take (the story) there (ie to this point),
> that Guðmundr, son of Þórir, grew up in Múli (Mull) with
> Eyjólfr until he was nine winters (ie years) old.

It is now time to take [up the tale] that Guðmund, Þóri’s
son, grew up at Múli with Eyjólf until he was nine years

> Hann var þá ákafa mikill og sterkur.

> He was then very vehement and strong.

> He was then impetuous and strong.

> He was then very (gen of ákafi, see Z1) tall (mikill) and
> strong.

He was then very impetuous [‘great of impetuousness’] and

> Hann fór þá heim til föðurs síns.

> He then went home to his father.

> He went home to his father.

> He journeyed then home to his father.

Then he went home to his father.

> Nú fór svo fram um hríð að hann þroskaðist heima.

> Now it so went forward a while that he grew up at home.

> Now it went forward for a time that he grew up at home.

> Now (it) went forward (ie went on) for a while so that he
> grew-up-to-full-age at-home.

It now happened thus for a while, that he grew up at home.

> Það var einn dag að Þórir kvaddi hann til farar með sér og
> riðu inn með Þorskafirði og stefndu til Uppsala.

> It was one day that Thorir called on him to go with him,
> and they rode in by Thorskafirth (Cod-firth) and headed
> for Uppsala.

> It was one day that Thorir summoned him to go with him and
> they ride in along Thorskafirth and directed (their
> travel) to Uppsala.

> That was one day that Þórir summoned him to a journey
> (för, noun not verb) with him and (they) rode in along
> Þorskafjörðr (Cod Fjord) and headed towards Uppsalir.

One day Þóri summoned him to a journey with him, and [they]
rode in along Þorskafjörð and headed for Uppsalir.

> Þorbjörn var úti og kenndi för Þóris.

> Thorbjorn was then outside and recognized Thoris.

> Thorbjorn was outdoors and recognized Thorir.

> Þorbjörn was outside and perceived (the) journey of Þórir.

Þorbjörn was outside and and perceived Þóri’s journey.

> Hann mælti við Örn son sinn: "Hér ríður Þórir og son hans
> og mun ætla að hefna þess er við tókum féð.

> He spoke with his son Orn: "Thorir and his son ride here
> and will intend to avenge that when we took livestock.

> He spoke with Orn, his son, "Here rides Thorir and his son
> and (he) will expect to avenge this when we took the
> wealth.

> He spoke with Örn his son.: “Here rides Þórir and his son
> and (he) will intend to avenge that when we took
> the-property.

He spoke to his son Örn: ‘Þóri is riding here, and his son,
and must intend to avenge our taking [‘that when we took’]
his [‘the’] property.

> Nú vil eg að þú farir sem skjótast á Hofstaði og segir
> Halli að hann komi til liðs við mig en eg mun á meðan
> verjast úr húsunum og munu ekki skjót umskipti verða með
> okkur Þóri."

> Now I want that you go as soon as possible to Hofstad and
> tell Hallr that he should come to help me, and I will
> meanwhile defend myself outside the houses and will not be
> fast a change between us, Thorir (and me).

> Now I want that you go as quickly as possible to
> Templestead and tell Hallr that he (should) come to my aid
> and I will meanwhile defend myself out of? the buildings
> and (things?) will not quickly become changed with our
> Thorir."

> Now I want that you go as speedily as possible to
> Hofstaðir (Temple-Steads) and say to Hallr that he
> should-come to the assistance of me but (and) I will
> in-the-meantime defend-myself out-of the-farm-buildings
> and sudden changes (indecisive-battles?) (CV) (nom. neut
> plural) will not happen between us, Þórir (and myself).”

Now I want you to go as fast as possible to Hofstaðir and
tell Hall that he should come to my aid, and in the meantime
I will defend myself from [within] the buildings, and there
will not quickly be decisive turns between us, Þóri [and me].

In other words, the fight will not end quickly. For
<umskipti> Baetke has ‘entscheidende Wendung, Entscheidung
(zwischen zwei Gegnern)’, more or less ‘decisive turn,
tipping point, decision’. Since the noun is a strong
neuter, <umskipti> could be singular or plural, but <munu>
is plural.

> Örn hefir sig þegar frá bænum.

> Orn brings himself at once from the farms.

> Orn betakes himself from the farm.

> Örn sets-off (hefja, Z3) at-once from the-farmstead (sg).

Örn immediately leaves [‘takes himself from’] the farm.

The verb is <hafa> Z6; <hefja> Z3 would not have <sik> as
its object, but rather <ferð> or the like.

> Þetta sér Þórir og mælti við Guðmund: "Maður rennur þar út
> frá bænum á Uppsölum og mun sá sendur til Hofstaða til
> Halls.

> Thorir sees this and said to Gudmundr: "A man is running
> there out from the farms to Uppsala and he will send to
> Hofstad for Hall. (?)

> Thorir sees this and spoke with Gudmund, "A man is running
> there out from the farm to Uppsala and that one will be
> sent to Templestead to Hallr.

> Þórir sees this and spoke with Guðmundr: “A person (man)
> runs there out from the-farmstead (sg) at Uppsalir and
> that-one (ie he) will (be) sent (past participle) to
> Hofstaðir (Temple-Steads) to Hallr.

Þóri sees this and said to Guðmund: ‘A man is running away
from the farm there at Uppsalir, and he must be sent to
Hofstaðir for Hall.

> Far þú eftir honum og dvel hann."

> Go after him and delay him."

> You go after him and delay him."

> Go-you after him and delay him.”

Go after him and delay him.’

> Hann sneri eftir Erni og bað hann bíða.

> He goes after Orn and asked him to wait.

> He turns after Orn and bade him wait.

> He turns (ie goes) after Örn and bade him to wait.

He goes after Örn and asked him to wait.

> Örn nam staðar og reiddi upp öxi mikla er hann hafði í
> hendi.

> Orn halted and raised up a large axe that he hand in (his)
> hand.

> Orn stopped and brandished up a huge axe which he had in
> hand.

> Örn halted (lit: took a spot) and brandished up a large
> axe which he had in (his) hand.

Örn stopped and brandished a large axe that he had in [his]

> Guðmundur hljóp af baki og rann að honum með spjótið og
> lagði í gegnum hann en Örn gekk á lagið og hjó til hans og
> yfir öxlina og brotnaði í sundur öxarskaftið en hyrnan kom
> í herðarblað Guðmundi og varð hann lítt sár.

> Gudmundr dismounted and ran at him with his spear and
> stabbed through him, and Orn broke the thrust and hacked
> at him across his shoulders and the axe-handle broke in
> pieces, but the axe-point landed on Gudmundr's
> shoulder-blade and he became a little wounded.

> Gudmund dismounted and ran towards him with a spear and
> thrust it through him, but Orn went to thrusting?? and
> hewed at him and over with the axe and it broke apart the
> shaft of the axe, but the horn of the axe came in
> Gudmund's shoulderblade and he was slightly injured.

> Guðmundr leapt off (horse)-back and ran at (ie attacked)
> him with the-spear and thrust through him but (and) Örn
> went to (survived, responded to?) the-thrust and hewed at
> him and above (across) the-shoulder and the-axe-handle
> (subject) was-broken asunder but the-point-of-the-axe-head
> came into Guðmundr’s shoulder-blade and he became (ie was)
> a little wounded.

Guðmund sprang from his horse and ran at him with his spear
and thrust [it] through him, and Örn ran towards the thrust
and struck at him and over his shoulder, and the axe handle
broke apart, but the point of the axe landed on Guðmund’s
shoulder blade, and he was slightly wounded.

> Eftir það féll Örn þar á götunni og heitir þar nú
> Traustagata.

> After that Orn fell (dead) there at the path and it is
> called there now Traustagata (Strong-path).

> After that Orn fell there to the road and it is called
> there now Venture? road.

> After that Örn fell (in battle) there on the-path and
> there is-called Traustagata (Path of Supports (?)).

After that Örn fell dead on the road there, and that place
is now called Traustagata.

The sense of <Trausta-> in the place-name isn’t clear; my
best guess is ‘assistance way’, after the assistance that
Guðmund gave Þóri.

> Þórir reið heim á bæinn að Uppsölum en Þorbjörn stóð í
> dyrum með vopnum.

> Thorir rode home to his farm at Uppsala, and Thorbjorn
> remained inside with his weapons.

> Thorir rides home to the farm to Uppsala, but Thorbjorn
> stood in the doorway with weapons.

> Þórir rode “homewards” to the-farmstead at Uppsalir but
> (and) Þorbjörn stood in (the) doorway with weapons.

Þóri rode home to the farm at Uppsalir, and Þorbjörn stood
in his doorway with his weapons.

> Gekk Þórir upp að dyrunum en Þorbjörn lagði spjóti til
> hans en Þórir hjó það af skafti.

> Thorir went up to the door, and Thorbjorn thrust a spear
> at him, but Thorir hacked off the shaft.

> Thorir went up to the door, but Thorbjorn thrust a spear
> at him, but Thorir hewed it off the shaft.

> Þórir walked up to the-doorway but (and) Þorbjorn thrust a
> spear towards him but (and) Þórir hewed that from (the)
> shaft.

Þóri went up to the doorway, and Þorbjörn thrust a spear at
him, and Þóri hewed it [i.e., the head] from the shaft.

> Þá brá Þorbjörn sverði og hjó til Þóris og kom í hjálminn
> en sverðið brotnaði undir hjöltunum.

> Then Thorbjorn drew (his) sword and struck at Thoris with
> it, and it landed on his helmet, and the sword broke below
> the hilt.

> Then Thorbjorn drew a sword and hewed at Thorir and (the
> blow) came in the helmet and the sword broke off at the
> hilt.

> Then Þórbjorn drew a sword and hewed at Þórir and (it, ie
> the sword, blow) came into the-helmet but (and) the-sword
> was-broken under (ie below) the-guard.

Then Þorbjörn drew a sword and struck at Þóri and [the
sword] hit his helm, and the sword broke below the guard.


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