From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12396
Date: 2012-06-29
> "Ek þykkjumst gerla vita," segir Gnípa.'I think I know very well,' says Gnípa.
> "It seems to me (to) know quite [surely]," says Gnipa.
> “I think myself to know fully,” says Gnipa.
> "Hér er kominn Jökull, sonr Búa ok Fríðar Dofradóttur.Jökul, son of Búi and Fríð Dofri's daughter, has come
> "Here has come Jokull, son of Bui and Frida, daughter of
> Dofra.
> “Jokull, son of Bui and Frid, Dofri’s daughter, has come
> here.”
> Af honum gengr nú mest frægð, ok hefði sú betr, er slíkanHe has now [the] greatest renown, and she would do better
> mann ætti."
> From him goes now most fame, and got the better, than such
> a noble man."
> “Of him goes now most fame, and that had better, (given?)
> ancestors of such a man.”
> Geit segir þá við Gnípu: "Göngum til móts við hann okGeit then says to Gnípa: 'Let's go to meet him and offer
> bjóðum honum tvá kosti, þann eina, at hann eigi aðra hvára
> okkar, hinn annan, at vit skulum drepa hann ella."
> Geit then says to Gnipu: "Let's go meet him and offer him
> two choices: the one, the he marry us each other (or
> "marry one of us"?); the second, that we should kill him
> otherwise."
> Geit speaks then with Gnipa, “(Let us) go to meet with him
> and offer him two choices, the that he marry?? one or the
> other of us, the other, that we shall kill him otherwise.”
> "Svá skal vera, systir sæl," segir hon.'So shall [it] be, dear sister,' says she.
> "So shall it be, happy sister," she says.
> “So shall (it) be, dear sister,” says she.
> Eftir þat gengu þær til móts við Jökul ok stigu heldrAfter that they go to meet Jökul and take rather long
> stórum.
> After that they go to meet Jokull and took rather long
> steps (meaning that they were hurrying?). (Z. stórum -
> stíga stórum, to take long steps)
> After that they go to meet with Jokull and take rather
> long steps.
> Þær váru næsta ófrýnligar, nefsíðar, ok hekk vörrin ofan áThey were greatly frowning, long-nosed, and the upper lip
> bringu.
> They were very frowning, long-nosed, and their lips hung
> down upon [their] chests.
> They were almost frowningly, long-nosed, and the upper lip
> hung down to the chest.
> Skinnstökkum váru þær klæddar síðum í fyrir, svá þær stiguThey were clad in skin cloaks hanging down in front, so
> at mestu á þá, en bak til fylgdu þeir ofanverðum
> þjóhnöppunum.
> Their clothes were skin cloaks hanging down in front, so
> they nearly stepped on them, and the backside followed to
> the tops of their buttocks.
> They were wearing skin-cloaks hoods (hanging ) in front,
> so that they mostly stepped on them, but in back? they
> (the cloaks?) followed?( only covered??) uppermost the
> buttocks.
> Þær skelldu á lærin ok fóru mjök ókvenliga.They smacked the[ir] thighs and walked very unfemininely.
> They hit at the thigh and walked very un-lady-like.
> They clattered on the thighs and went in a very unseemly
> way for women.
> Jökull sá þetta ok brá sverðinu, er Fríðr, móðir hans,Jökull saw this and drew his ('the') sword that Fríð, his
> hafði gefit honum, ok hjó til Geitar á hálsinn, svá af
> fauk höfuðit.
> Jokull saw this and drew his sword, which Frida his
> mother, had given him, and struck at Geit in the neck, so
> (to make) her head fly off.
> Jokull saw that and drew (his) sword, which Frid, his
> mother, had given him, and hewed at Geit at the neck so
> the head flew off.
> Í því kom Gnípa at ok réð á Jökul.At that [very moment] Gnípa came upon and attacked Jökul.
> At that Gnip came at and attacked Jokull.
> At that Gnipa came and attacked Jokull.
> Tókst þar in harðasta glíma.There began the hardest wrestling.
> There began the hardest (i.e., most contentious)
> wrestling.
> There took place the hardest wrestling.
> Varð flestallt, sem fyrir var, upp at ganga.Almost everything that was present came to be torn loose.
> It became almost all, as (to who) was ahead/in the lead,
> to go up. (??)
> (It) became very severe, as was before to get loose??
> Gnípa gekk allfast fram, svá Jökull varð orkuvana fyrirGnípa went forward very hard, so [that] Jökul became
> henni ok allt hans hold blátt ok blóðrisa.
> Gnip stepped forward very firmly, so (that) Jokull became
> bereft of strength before her and all his flesh black and
> bruised and bloody.
> Gnipa went forward very hard so Jokull became ?? before
> her and all his flesh pale and bloody.
> Sá Jökull, at eigi mátti svá lengi fram fara, ok sló tilJökul saw that he could not go on so for long and went for
> sniðglímu við Gnípu, en er hana varði minnst, brá hann
> henni lausamjöðm, ok kom fyrst niðr höfuðit ok síðan
> búkrinn.
> Jokull saw, that (he) could not go on so long, and struck
> at a certain mode of wrestling with Gnip, which defended
> her the least, he quickly gave her a hip throw, and (she)
> came down first on her head and then her body.
> Jokull saw that (he) was not able to go on for long and
> aimed at a wrestling move with Gnipa, but when to her was
> least defended, he drew her into a hip wrestling throw??
> and first came down the head and afterwards the body.
> Varð þetta fall allmikit.This was a mighty fall.
> This fall happened (in a) very great way.
> This became a mighty fall
> Gnípa mælti: "Njóttu nú fallsins, karlmaðr."Gnípa said: 'Enjoy the fall now, fellow.'
> Gnip said: "Enjoy defeat now, guy."
> Gnipa spoke, “You enjoy the fall now, man.”
> Jökull mælti: "Fyrr skaltu fara sem Geit, systir þín."Jökul said: 'Rather shall you go like Geit, your sister.'
> Jokull said: "You shall go sooner as Geit, your sister."
> Jokull spoke, “You shall go as Geit, your sister, before.”
> Gnípa mælti: "Eigi máttu svá gera.Gnípa said: 'You can't do so.
> Gnip said: "You are not able to do so.
> Gnipa spoke, “You are not able to do so.
> Þú munt vilja gefa mér líf ok seg mér, hvers þínir mennYou will want to grant me life and tell me what your men
> við þurfa."
> You would want to grant my life and tell me, what your men
> need."
> You will want to give me life and tell me, what your men
> need.”
> "Svá skal vera," segir Jökull, "enda vert mér trú ok'So shall [it] be,' says Jökul, 'if you are faithful and
> liðsinnandi."
> "It shall be so," says Jokull, "if worth me true and ready
> to help."
> “So shall (it) be,” says Jokull, “and (typo for veit??)
> grant me honour and assistance.”
> Þessu játar Gnípa.Gnípa agrees to this.
> Gnip agrees to this.
> Gnipa agreed to this.
> Síðan stóð hon upp ok mælti: "Ódrengiliga fór þér áðan,Then she stood up and said: 'You behaved meanly a little
> Jökull, er þú drapt Geit, systur mína, tólf vetra gamalt
> barnit, en ek er nú þrettán vetra.
> Then she stood up and said: "You went un-nobly a little
> while ago, Jokull, when you killed Geit, my sister, the 12
> year old child, but I am now 13 years (old).
> Afterwards she stood up and spoke, “ You behaved in an
> unmanly way before, Jokull, when you killed Geit, my
> sister, the twelve year old child, but I am now thirteen
> years old.
> Erum vér nú sjau systkinin eftir ok ek yngst af öllum."We are now seven remaining siblings, and I [the] youngest
> We are now seven siblings left and I (the) youngest of
> all."
> We are now seven sisters after (this loss) and I youngest
> of all.”
> "Eigi ferr ek svá grannt at slíku," segir Jökull, "en hvar'I don't care so nicely about such,' says Jökul, but where
> erum vér nú at komnir, félagar mínir?"
> "I don't go so nicely at that," says Jokull, "but where
> have we come to now, my crew (and I)?"
> “I go not so slim??? at such,” says Jokull, “but where
> have we now arrived at, my comrades?”