From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12213
Date: 2012-03-01
> Kjartan tók vel undir þetta og kvað hana vel mála leita.My other edition also has the plural. I make it 'and said
> Kjartan answered this well and told her (he would) well
> broach the subject.
> Kjartan seconded this well and said of her to have pursued
> her case well.
> Kjartan readily took this on-board (lit: under) and
> declared her (to have done) well to seek speech(es) (to
> broach the subject, see mál, Z4, it is she who is doing
> the broaching) (I´m not sure if this is meant to be gen pl
> or is a typo for máls).
> Hann tekur því máli líklega því að hann var vitur maður ogGrace: The way to tell that <boðið> is the past participle
> kunni að sjá hversu sæmilega þeim er boðið.
> He answers favorably to this matter because he was a wise
> man and was able to see how honorably who asked them.
> He gives a favorable answer to (the) arrangement because
> he was a wise man and was able to see how honourable the
> offer was to them.
> He receives that speech favourably because he was a wise
> person (man) and would-be-able (present subjunctive) to
> see how honourably for them (it) is asked (ie the honour
> bestowed on them by the asking).
> Kálfur er þessa máls mjög flýtandi: "Vil eg ekki láta tilI don't know that he's so much literally rushing things --
> spara."
> Kalfr is hurrying to this matter: "I will not cause to
> spare from (expenses)."
> Kalf is very encouraging of this arrangement, “I do not
> wish anything to be spared.”
> Kálfr is much a-hastening of this matter (keen to get
> things rolling?): I want to let spare (hold back) nothing
> towards (it).
> Með slíku móti voru aðrir hættir Kjartans umfram aðraBetter or more admirable than those of other men, I think.
> menn.
> In such ways were other customs of Kjartan above other
> men.
> With such manner other ventures of Kjartans were beyond
> other men.
> In like manner were Kjartans other ways-of-doing-things
> beyond (the ken? ability? of) other men.
> Kjartan gave Hrefna (as a) bridle giftNeigh, never! <g>