Re: Laxdaela Saga 44 part 2 - Rob's Translation

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12166
Date: 2012-02-08

> Kjartan segir að eigi mundi mikið undir hverja hann ætti
> en lést engrar skyldu lengi vonbiðill vera.

> Hrefna tekur nú ofan faldinn og selur Kjartani moturinn og
> hann varðveitir.

According to my other edition, there's a sentence missing
between the two above: Kjartan says

sé ek, at þessi búnaðr berr þér vel, ok er sannligt, at þú
verðir mín kona.

I see that this clothing suits you well, and [it] is
proper that you become my wife.

This is evidently also in the source used by MM&HP.

> Þeir Ólafur og Ósvífur héldu hinum sama hætti um heimboð.

> They, Olaf and Osvif, support the very same mode of life
> during the feast.

> They Olaf and Osvif kept the same behavior regarding
> invitations to their homes.

> They, Ólafr and Ósvífr held to (maintained) that same
> custom (dat of háttr) concerning feasts.

The implication being, I think, 'the same as before'.

> Guðrún mælti nú við Bolla að henni þótti hann eigi hafa
> sér allt satt til sagt um útkomu Kjartans.

> Gudrun spoke now with Bolla, that she thought he himself
> didn't have said all the truth concerning Kjartan's
> arrival in Iceland.

> Gudrun spoke now with Bolli that she thought him not to
> have spoken entirely truthful to her regarding Kjartan’s
> arrival from abroad.

> Guðrún spoke now with Bolli that he seemed to her not to
> have spoken for himself (or to her?) completely truly
> concerning Kjartan’s arrival-in-Iceland (coming out).

To her, I think.

> Bolli kvaðst það sagt hafa sem hann vissi þar af sannast.

> Bolli said for himself (t) have said that as he knew there
> of to prove true.

> Bolli said he had said what he knew there as truthfully as
> possible.

> Bolli declared-of-himself to have said that which he knew
> from there (ie from that time) most-truthfully (superl of
> sannr).

MM&HP seem to take <þar af> as 'at that time', referring to
the time of their earlier conversation, rather than 'from
that time', referring to the time of the events in Norway,
but my inclination is also to go with 'from/of that time'.


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