Here’s my translation
Kjartan hyggur að henni vandlega og mælti: "Vel þykir mér þér sama moturinn
Kjartan looks at her closely and spoke: „Well (it) seems to me the-headdress (to) become you,
Hrefna," segir hann, "ætla eg og að það sé best fallið að eg eigi allt
Hrefna,” says he, “I think also that, that be best fallen (ie that the best outcome (fall out) would be, or perhaps it would best suit (me)) that I should-have (eiga, verb, in all senses: keep, hold, take, own) everything
saman, motur og mey."
together, (the) headdress and (the) girl (maiden).”
Þá svarar Hrefna: "Það munu menn ætla að þú *munir eigi kvongast vilja
Then Hrefna answers: “Men will expect that, that you will not want to-take-a-wife (marry)
bráðendis en geta þá konu er þú biður."
of a sudden but (*will) get that woman whom you ask.”
Kjartan segir að eigi mundi mikið undir hverja hann ætti en lést engrar skyldu lengi vonbiðill vera.
Kjartan says that (it) would not (be) worth much (ie matter much, cf vaeri oss mikit undir, undir, Z4) whom he married but declared-of-himself (that he) (latest, , Z13) should be a-long-time a wooer-waiting-for-an-answer of (ie from) no-one (ie no woman, engrar, fem gen sg).
Hrefna tekur nú ofan faldinn og selur Kjartani moturinn og hann varðveitir.
Hrefna takes now down (off) the-headgear and gives the headdress to Kjartan and he keeps (it)(ie stows it safely away)
Guðmundur og þau Þuríður buðu Kjartani norður þangað til sín til
Guðmundr and they, Þuríðr (et al) invited Kjartan north thither to them (their home) for
kynnisvistar um veturinn. Kjartan hét ferð sinni. Kálfur Ásgeirsson réðst
a stay-on-a-visit during the-winter. Kjartan promised (heita, Z4) his journey (to them). Kálfr (Calf) Ásgeirr’s-son took-himself (ráðast, Z17)
norður með föður sínum. Skipta þeir Kjartan nú félagi sínu og fór það allt í
north with his father. They, Kjartan (and Kálfr) divide-in-two (skipta, Z1) their partnership and that went (proceeded) completely in
makindi og vinskap.
friendly-exchange and friendship.
Kjartan ríður og frá skipi og vestur í Dali. Þeir voru tólf saman.
Kjartan rides now also from (the) ship and west into Dalir (The Dales). They were twelve together.
Kemur Kjartan heim í Hjarðarholt og verða allir menn honum fegnir. Kjartan lætur
Kjartan comes home into Hjarðarholt (Herd´s-Wood) and all persons (men) became glad of him (of his arrival). Kjartan causes
flytja fé sitt sunnan frá skipi um haustið. Þessir tólf menn voru allir í
to convey his property from-the-south from (the) ship during the autumn. These twelve men were all in
Hjarðarholti um veturinn.
Hjarðarholt during the-winter.
Þeir Ólafur og Ósvífur héldu hinum sama hætti um heimboð.
They, Ólafr and Ósvífr held to (maintained) that same custom (dat of háttr) concerning feasts.
Skyldu sitt haust hvorir aðra heim sækja. Þetta haust skyldi vera boð að Laugum en Ólafur til sækja og þeir Hjarðhyltingar.
Each (hvorir) should visit (the) other (aðra) at home autumn about (on alternate autumns, see sinn, poss pron, Z5). This autumn (there) should be a feast at Laugar (Hot Springs) but (and) Ólafr (should) visit (attend) and those Hjarðarholters (Hjarðarholt-folk).
Guðrún mælti nú við Bolla að henni þótti hann eigi hafa sér allt satt til sagt
Guðrún spoke now with Bolli that he seemed to her not to have spoken for himself (or to her?) completely truly
um útkomu Kjartans. Bolli kvaðst það sagt hafa sem hann vissi þar af sannast.
concerning Kjartan’s arrival-in-Iceland (coming out). Bolli declared-of-himself to have said that which he knew from there (ie from that time) most-truthfully (superl of sannr).
Guðrún talaði fátt til þessa efnis en það var auðfynt að henni líkaði illa
Guðrún talked little towards this subject but (and) that was easily-perceived that (it) pleased her ill
því að það ætluðu flestir menn að henni væri enn mikil eftirsjá að
because most men thought that, that a great regret still existed (persisted) for her
um Kjartan þó að hún hyldi yfir.
concerning Kjartan even though she covered (it) over.
Líður nú þar til er haustboðið skyldi vera að Laugum. Ólafur bjóst til
(It) passes now until the autumn-feast should be at Laugar. Ólafr readied-himself for
ferðar og bað Kjartan fara með sér. Kjartan kvaðst mundu heima vera að gæta bús.
(the) journey and bade Kjartan to go with him. Kjartan declared-of-himself (that he) would be (stay) at home to take-care-of (the) farm.
Ólafur bað hann eigi það gera að styggjast við frændur sína: "Minnstu á
Ólafr bade him not to do that, to be offended with his kinsmen. “Remember (you)
það Kjartan að þú hefir engum manni jafn mikið unnt sem Bolla fóstbróður þínum.
that, Kjartan, that you have loved no person (man) equally much as Bolli, your foster-brother.
Er það minn vilji að þú farir. Mun og brátt semjast með ykkur frændum
That is my wish that you go. (It) will also quickly be-settled between you kinsmen
ef þið finnist sjálfir."
if you-two should meet-one-another yourselves.