Re: Star Wars XXX end & XXXI beginning - Rob's Translation

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11859
Date: 2011-07-01

> "Hǫfðingr es hann," segir Lúkr, "Ok striðshetja.
> "He is a chief," says Luke, "And a battle hero.
> “He is a chieftain,” says Luke, “and hero-of-strife?

We'd say 'war hero', I think.

> Ok hefik eigi heyrt at nekkvert ráð es dottit í hug þér."

> And I have not heard any plan which is fallen in your
> mind."

> and I have not heard that some plan has dropped into your
> mind.”

Rob: You overlooked the <at>. Note also that 'which is
fallen' would require a verb *and* a relative pronoun, and
<es> couldn't do duty for both at once.

> "Þat þykki mér ráð, at vit heptim frískan bandingja várn."

> "That seems to me a plan, that we bind our Frisian
> prisoner."

> “It seems to me a plan, that we restrain our Frisian
> prisoner.”

Judging from other examples of the construction seen in <þat
þykki mér ráð>, it's 'It seems to me advisable'.

> Tsiubakka mislíkaði þetta mjǫk, en Hólmgǫngu-Hani skynjaði
> ætlun Lúks ok gaf ró reiði Tsiubakkas, "Ok hygg ek, at ek
> vita þaz hann ætlar."

> Chewbacca disliked this very much, and Dueler-Han
> understood Luke's intention and gave peace to Chewbacca's
> anger, "And I believe, that I know that which he intends."

> Chewbacca strongly disliked this, but Duel Han understood
> Luke’s intention and gave rest to Chewbacca’s wrath, “And
> I think that I know that (which) he intends.”

I agree with Grace about <en>: here it's definitely 'but'.
No need for parentheses around 'which': <þaz> is a
contraction of <þat es>, so the 'which' is there.

> "Þat es dyrrnar þar," segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani, "Ok fáið it
> þær lokaðar.

> "That is doors (plural?) there," says Dueler-Han, "And
> make them locked.

> “There are doors there,” says Duel Han, “And ye can lock
> them.

Rob: <Dyrr> is a plural without a singular; it can
correspond to 'door' or to 'doors', depending on context.
The last part is the <fá> + past part. 'can do X'

> Nú taka þeir Hólmgǫngu-Hani bát, ok róa þeir at
> Dauðastjǫrnu, en es Tsiubakka inn fríski á bátinum bundinn
> sem bandingi.

> Now they, Dueler Han (and the others) take a boat, and
> they row to the Deathstar, but Chewbacca the Frisian is on
> the boat bound as a prisoner.

> Now they, Duel Han (and company) take a boat and they row
> to Death Star, but Chewbacca, the Frisian, is on the boat
> bound like a prisoner.

Here I think that <en> is just narrative 'and': it doesn't
seem to be contrasting two things.

> Hólmgǫngu-Hani ok Lúkr klæddusk aptr hvítum brynjum þeira
> norrœnnu hermanna, es síðari menn kǫlluðu Stormhermenn,
> því at sá herr fell inn í Aldiranborg sem in mesta
> stormhrina, ok brenndi þá borg ok allt þat es í vas, ok at
> svá gǫru, drógusk þeira hvítu hjálmar út aptr roðnir
> dreyra, sem blóðugr eisandi boði.

> Dueler-Han and Luke were dressed up (with) white mail as
> Norwegian warriors, which later men called Storm troopers,
> because such troopers fell on Oldiranborg as great storms,
> and they burned the town and all that was in (it), and did
> so, drew their white helmets out after red blood, as a
> bloody foaming message.

> Duel Han and Luke dressed themselves with white chain mail
> like those Norse warriors, who later people called
> Stormtroopers, because that army fell upon Aldiranborg as
> in the worst howling storm and then burned the town and
> all that which was inside, and that so done, drew their
> white helmets back out reddened to bleed, as a bloody
> foaming sign.

The only sense of <aptr> that seems to fit here is 'again'
(Z5), even though CV says that this is not an early usage.
<Stormhrina> is literally 'storm-howling': in Germanic
nominal compounds the first element always modifies the
second. However, 'like the greatest howling storm' or the
like probably captures the intent just fine.

<Boði> can't be 'sign, message', and 'bloody, foaming
announcer/messenger' seems a wee bit unlikely <g>; it must
be 'a breaker (on hidden rocks)', making the last bit 'like
a bloody, foaming breaker'. <Hjálmar> can only be nom., so
<þeira hvítu hjálmar> must be the subject of <drógusk>. CV
gives 'to recede' for <dragask út>, referring to the tide;
that fits nicely with the breaker image and leaves only <at
svá gǫru>, <aptr>, and <roðnir dreyra> unaccounted for.

<Roðnir> 'reddened' is no problem. <Dreyra> is the dative
of <dreyri> 'blood, gore', used here as an instrumental
dative, 'reddened with gore'. <Aptr> 'back' seems merely to
indicate that the helmets are not merely receding fromm the
town, but are doing so in the direction from which they

<At svá gǫru> can (essentially) be found in Zoëga s.v.
<görr>: (Z3) has <at svá görvu> 'this being the case'. (I'm
a little surprised that Jackson omitted the <v>, since it's
the older form.) Here I think that the sense is actually
'this being done', making it 'and this being done, their
white helmets drew back, reddened with gore, like a bloody,
foaming breaker'.


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