"Satt segirðu, Tsiuvi," segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani, "Hvar fannt þú karlhrotu þann, Lúkr?"
"Truly spoken, Chewy," says Dueler-Han, "Where did you find that rude fellow, Luke?"
"Hǫfðingr es hann," segir Lúkr, "Ok striðshetja.
"He is a chief," says Luke, "And a battle hero.
Ok hefik eigi heyrt at nekkvert ráð es dottit í hug þér."
And I have not heard any plan which is fallen in your mind."
En þá leit hann til Tsiubakkas.
And then he looked at Chewbacca.
"Þat þykki mér ráð, at vit heptim frískan bandingja várn."
"That seems to me a plan, that we bind our Frisian prisoner."
Tsiubakka mislíkaði þetta mjǫk, en Hólmgǫngu-Hani skynjaði ætlun Lúks ok gaf ró reiði Tsiubakkas, "Ok hygg ek, at ek vita þaz hann ætlar."
Chewbacca disliked this very much, and Dueler-Han understood Luke's intention and gave peace to Chewbacca's anger, "And I believe, that I know that which he intends."
Þá létu þeir reip á hendrnar Tsiubakka, ok es þeir vǭru búnir at ganga aptr á Dauðastjǫrnu, mælti Þrípíó: "En bokki sæll, hvat ættum vit Artú at gøra meðan ér á Dauðastjǫrnu?
Then they tied a rope around Chewbacca's arms, and when they were ready to go back to the Deathstar, 3PO said "My good man, what to family (?) we two, R2 (and I) to do while you are on the Deathstar?
Hvat gørum vit ef hermenn finna okkr?"
What do we do if soldiers find us?"
"Þat es dyrrnar þar," segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani, "Ok fáið it þær lokaðar.
"That is doors (plural?) there," says Dueler-Han, "And make them locked.
Ok beðit Hvíta-Krist ykkarn þess, at þeir komi eigi með øxar."
And pray to your White Christ that, that they don't come with axes."
XXXI. Kapítuli: Frá frjǭlsun Leiu konungsdóttir
Concerning the freeing of Princess Leia.
Nú taka þeir Hólmgǫngu-Hani bát, ok róa þeir at Dauðastjǫrnu, en es Tsiubakka inn fríski á bátinum bundinn sem bandingi.
Now they, Dueler Han (and the others) take a boat, and they row to the Deathstar, but Chewbacca the Frisian is on the boat bound as a prisoner.
Hólmgǫngu-Hani ok Lúkr klæddusk aptr hvítum brynjum þeira norrnnu hermanna, es síðari menn kǫlluðu Stormhermenn, því at sá herr fell inn í Aldiranborg sem in mesta stormhrina, ok brenndi þá borg ok allt þat es í vas, ok at svá gǫru, drógusk þeira hvítu hjálmar út aptr roðnir dreyra, sem blóðugr eisandi boði.
Dueler-Han and Luke were dressed up (with) white mail as Norwegian warriors, which later men called Storm troopers, because such troopers fell on Oldiranborg as great storms, and they burned the town and all that was in (it), and did so, drew their white helmets out after red blood, as a bloody foaming message.
Á Dauðastjǫrnu vǭru margir menn þeir es undruðu Tsiubakkas hæð ok breidd.
On the Deathstar were many men who wondered (at) Chewbacca's height and width.
Ok es þeir kvǭmu at dýflissu, spyrr Stormhermaðr, "Hvert berið it þenna rísuliga mann?"
And when they came to (the) prison, a Storm trooper asks, "Where do you take this imposing man?"
"Til dýflissu," segir Lúkr, "Ok vas hann á skipi því es Veiðr fangaði."
"To prison," says Luke, "And he was aboard the ship that Vader caught."
En Stormhermaðr sagði, "Hefik eigi þat heyrt sagt, at nekkverr maðr fannsk á skipi því, ok megum vér fyrst segja Tarkni Stórmofsjarli frá þessu."
But (the) Storm trooper said, "I have not heard that said, that any man was found on that ship, and we must first tell Earl Tarkn Stormof about this."