From: Fred & Grace Hatton Message: 11757 Date: 2011-04-28
En þá es Gríðó sá Hólmgǫngu-Hana nú á Mósæslastǫðum, minnti þetta hann þeira
hluta, ok vildi
But then when Grido saw Duel Han now at Mosaesla Steads, he recalled those
things and he wanted
hann drepa Hólmgǫngu-Hana sem snarast. Hann gekk með reidda øxi segjandi,
“Hvert ferr þú, Hólmgǫngu-Hani Sólósson?”
to kill Duel Han as quickly as possible. He went with poised axe saying,
“Where are you going, Duel Han Solo’s son?”
“Komdu heill ok sæll, Gríðó,” segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani, “Ok vitjak konungs þíns
snart. Segiðu honum, at ek skattfé hans hefi.”
“(May) you arrive hale and well,Grido,” says Duel Han, “and I visit your
king soon. Tell him that I have his tribute money.”
“Of seint es þat,” kvað Gríðó inn grœni hlæjandi, “Fyr hví galtstu eigi hann
þá áðr, þá es þú vart
“It is too late,” said Grido the green laughing, “Why didn’t you pay him
then before, then when you were
nærri Danmǫrku? Mikil laun eru þau, es fengi maðr sá, es drepi
Hólmgǫngu-Hana ok Tsiubakka
closer to Denmark? Great are the rewards ???? that man who kills Duel Han
and Chewbacca
inn fríska. Þau laun sé meiri en nekkvat skattfjá þinna sé virð, ætlak.
Heppinn em ek, at ek fann þik fyrst.”
the Frisian. Those rewards be more than some of your tribute money be
worth, I expect. I am lucky that I found you first.”
“Ja víst ertu heppinn,” segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani, “En ek hefi skattfé hans.
Láttu mik gjalda honum
“Yes certainly you are lucky,” says Duel Han, “But I have his tribute money.
Let me pay him
þat sjálfr, ok þá taktu laun þau es lagin vǭru á hǫfuð mitt, ef Jabbi vill
enn sjá mik dauðan.”
it myself and then you take those rewards which are placed on my head, if
Jabba will still see me dead.”
“Ef þú gefr mér skattfé þetta, es þú kveðsk sjálfan hafa, fæ ek því gleymdu,
at ek sá þik,” segir Gríðó, “En annars ertu drepinn.”
“If you give me this tribute money, which you say of yourself to have, I can
forget it, that I saw you,” says Grido, “But otherwise you are dead.”
“Ek hefi eigi fé þat með mik hér,” segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani, “Segiðu Jabba…”
“I don’t have that money with me here,” says Duel Han, “Tell Jabba….”
“Þegiðu, Hani,” segir Gríðó hlæjandi enn, “Ertu hvítasti manna, jafnan
óviljaðr á þat at berjask.”
“Shut up, Han,” says Grido still laughing, “You are the whitest (most
cowardly?) of men, always unwilling to fight.”
“Þat es níð, ok vil ek bjóða þér til hólmgǫngu um þetta mál,” segir
“That is an insult, and I want to offer you a duel about this issue,” says
Duel Han
“Hvers konar hólmganga væri sú?” spyrr Gríðó. “Engi hólmgǫngustaðr es sjá.”
“What kind of duel would that be?” asks Grido. “No duel place is this.”
“Lát okkr tvá skjóta øxum,” segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani, “Vas faðir minn víkingr
mikill, ok mér þykki sú in karlmannlegasta íþrótt.”
“Let us two throw axes,” says Duel Han, “My father was a great Viking and
this seems to me
the most manly skill.”
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.
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