From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11134
Date: 2010-06-17
> This section had all sorts of places where I got intoThis one does have its moments, doesn't it? This is
> trouble. I would welcome any help.
> Þykir mér og þann veg aðeins verk þetta er þú hefir unnið'This deed that you have done seems to me only thus, that I
> að eg kalla þig ekki að verra dreng.
> (It) seems to me also thus alone? this work which you have
> performed that I call you not a worse bold man.
> It seems to be also that way only (?) this deed which you
> have bestowed that I call you not to become stout-heart.
> En þó sýnist mér svo sem þeir menn muni veðsetja bæðiThe first <svá sem> is 'as if', or even simply 'that'. The
> sig og fé sitt er þér veita ásjá svo stórir menn sem
> hér munu veita eftirsjár.
> But still (it) seems to me so, that those men will hazard
> both themselves and their wealth when you get help as
> important men as here will give (cause for?) regret.
> And although it seems to me so as the men would hazard
> both one and one's property that you grant protection so
> greater men as here would know regret. (???)
> En Þórður bóndi minn," segir hún, "er ekki garpmenni<Úrráð> took some tracking down. Note that it must be
> mikið en úrráð vor kvenna verða jafnan með lítilli
> forsjá ef nokkurs þarf við.
> But Thord, my husband, " says she, "is not of very bold
> men and help of our women become always with little
> foresight if someone stands in need of (it).
> But Thord my husband," she says, "is no great martial-man
> but (úrráð?) our women's happen equal with little
> foresight if something useful with. (???)
> En þó nenni eg eigi með öllu að víkjast undan viðZ. s.v. <allr> has <með öllu> 'wholly, quite' near the end
> þig alls þú hefir þó hér til nokkurrar ásjá
> ætlað."
> But still I am not at all (alls?) inclined withal to
> refuse you; you still have expectation of some help here."
> And though I cannot bear that with all to refuse you all
> you have though here until some protection intend.
> Eftir það leiðir Vigdís hann í útibúr eitt og biður hannRob: The final <sín> is the 'for her' in Grace's
> þar bíða sín.
> After that Vigdis leads him to a certain outbuilding and
> asks him to wait for her there.
> After that Vigdis leads him in a store-house and asks him
> (to) abide there.
> Setur hún þar lás fyrir.Looking at the citations in CV s.v. <láss>, I've the
> She sets a bolt there before (the door).
> She sets there locked over. (???)
> Þættist hann þurfa hér lengri dvöl ef þú vildir að svoThe subjunctive probably indicates uncertainty here: 'He may
> væri."
> (It) would seem to him to need to dwell longer here if you
> wish that it were so."
> It is thought he needs here (a) longer delay if you (are)
> agreeable to so be."
> Vigdís svarar: "Veitt hefi eg honum áður gisting og mun egCV s.v. <eiga> (A.I.3) notes <eiga vini> 'to have friends'.
> þau orð eigi aftur taka þótt hann eigi sér eigi jafna vini
> alla."
> Þórður varð styggur við þetta, kvaðst það víst vita aðAlan: <hurðir> is nom. plur., 'doors', without the article.
> Ingjaldur mundi mikið fé taka af honum fyrir þessa björg
> er nú var veitt honum "er hér hafa hurðir verið loknar
> eftir þessum manni."
> Thord became displeased with that, said of himself to know
> for certain that Ingjald would deprive him of much wealth
> for this sheltering which now was given him "when here
> doors have been locked behind this man."
> Thord was showing-anger with this, stated that certainly
> know that Ingjald would take away much wealth from him
> over this help-given-to-an-outlaw which now was granted
> him "which here have doors been (loknar?) after this man.
> Þórður mælti: "Þann veg máttu mér mest upp tefla og að<Máttu> is a contraction of <mátt þú> 'you can' (from
> móti er það mínu skapi að slíkur óhappamaður sé hér."
> Thord spoke, "Thus most of what I have (Z) might be
> deprived of me and in return it is in my mind that such a
> miscreant be here."
> Thord says: "That way estimate most deprive me of what I
> have that against which that my condition that such
> (unlucky man?) be here. (Z tefla 2 ? tefla e-n upp, to
> deprive one of what one has)
> En þó var Þórólfur þar um veturinn.Context indicates that this is 'But nevertheless Þórólf
> But still Thorolf was there during the winter.
> And yet Thorolf was there during the winter/year.
> Þeir sigla vestan útnyrðing hvassan og lenda í Laxárósi umGrace has the right tense and direction, and Rob has the
> kveldið, setja upp ferjuna en fara á Goddastaði um kveldið
> og koma ekki á óvart.
> They sail from the west on a north west wind ?? and land
> in Salmon River mouth during the evening, draw up the
> ferry and go to Goddastead during the evening and do not
> come covertly.
> They sailed westerly (with a) fresh northwest-wind and
> landed in Laxarose (Mouth-of-the-Salmon-River) during the
> evening, draw the ferry-boat ashore and go to Goddastad
> during the evening and don't take by surprise.
> Er þar tekið vel við þeim.Technically it's a present tense: 'They are received well
> There they were received well.
> Which there they made a bold resistance.