Here´s my translation. Suggestions highlighted and bits for which help would be appreciated underlined.
Vigdís svarar á þá leið hans máli: "Ekki dylst (dylja) eg við skuldleika okkra.
Vigdís answers in that way to his speech: “I do not refuse to acknowledge (see dyljast við e-n, Z2) our relationship.
Þykir (þykkja) mér og þann veg aðeins (at eins, see under einn, Z7) verk þetta er þú hefir unnið að eg kalla þig
This deed which you have done is-reckoned by me also in that way alone (ie I can consider your deed in only one way), (that is) that I call you
ekki að verra dreng. En þó sýnist mér svo (svá) sem þeir menn muni veðsetja bæði
not all the (see at(3), demonstrative particle before a comparitive, Z1) worse a fellow (see drengr, noun, Z4) (for it). But still (it) seems to me thus that those persons (#) will be-hazarding both
sig og fé sitt er þér veita ásjá svo (svá) stórir menn sem hér munu veita
themselves and their property (# who give you assistance) (ie this refers to those persons), (since) such important men as (are) here will give
The sense seems clear (ie anyone who lends assistance to Þórólf will be taking a great risk, given the important people who will be taking up the case against him), but I can´t work out exactly who the “svá sem” bits work.
eftirsjár (eptirsjá). En Þórður bóndi minn," segir hún, "er ekki garpmenni mikið en
(their) attentions (to it). But Þórðr my husband,” she says, “is not a great bold-man but
úrráð (úráð) vor (várr) kvenna (gen plural) verða jafnan með lítilli forsjá ef nokkurs þarf við. En þó
(the) ill-advised steps (poor choices?) (neut plural) of us women always occur with little foresight if something is needed (compare with þess þurfa við, impersonal Z2). But still
nenni eg eigi með öllu að víkjast undan við þig alls (conjunction = since, see alls, Z1) þú hefir (hafa) þó hér til nokkurrar ásjá ætlað."
I cannot altogether bear to refuse you at all, since you have nevertheless here reckoned upon some help.”
Eftir það leiðir Vigdís hann í útibúr eitt og biður hann þar bíða sín. Setur (setja) hún þar lás fyrir.
After that Vigdís leads him into a certain storehouse and asks him to await her their. She places there a lock before.
Síðan gekk (ganga) hún til Þórðar og mælti: "Hér er kominn maður til gistingar sá er
After-that she walked to Þórðr and spoke: “Here is (has) come a man for night-lodgings, that-one who
Þórólfur heitir en hann er skyldur mér nokkuð. Þættist (þykkjast, subjunctive) hann þurfa hér lengri
is-called Þórólfr but (and) he is somewhat related to me. He would-bethink-himself to need a longer
dvöl ef þú vildir að svo væri."
stay here if you wanted that (it) be so.”
Þórði kvaðst (kveðast) ekki vera um mannasetur, bað (biðja) hann hvílast þar um daginn eftir
Þórðr said-himself (see kveða Z4, impersonal) not to like (see e-m er ekki um et, under um, Z9) men-staying-at (his) place, bade him to lie (ie remain) there during the day after (the following day)
ef honum væri ekki á höndum en verða í brottu sem skjótast ellegar.
if nothing were to him in hand (ie if he had no troubles in hand, see á höndum, under hönd, Z) but to leave (see verða brottu, verða, Z4) as soon-as-possible otherwise.
Vigdís svarar: "Veitt hefi eg honum áður (áðr, Z1) gisting og mun eg þau orð eigi aftur taka
Vigdís answers: ‘I have already given to him night-lodgings and I will not take back (retract) those words
þótt hann eigi (eiga, verb) sér eigi jafna vini alla."
even-though he has not for himself always (?) all friends.”
Eftir það sagði (segja) hún Þórði vígið Halls og svo (svá = often means also following og) það að Þórólfur hafði vegið
After that, she related to Þórðr Hallr’s slaying and also that, that (that) Þórólfr (#) had slain
hann, er þá var þar kominn.
him, (# who then was (had) come there).
Þórður varð styggur við þetta, kvaðst (kveðast) það víst vita að Ingjaldur mundi (munu)
Þórðr became displeased with this, declared-for-himself to know that certainly, that Ingjaldr would
mikið fé taka af honum fyrir þessa björg er nú var veitt (veita) honum "er hér hafa hurðir
take much money from him for this sheltering-of-an-outlaw which now was given to him “when here (the) door has
verið loknar (pp of lúka) eftir þessum manni."
been shut behind this man (person).”
Vigdís svarar: "Eigi skal Ingjaldur fé taka af þér fyrir einnar nætur björg
Vigdís answers: ‘Ingjaldr shall not take money from you for one night’s shelter
því að hann skal hér vera í allan vetur."
because he (ie Þórólfr) shall be here for all winter.” (running rings around him logically)
Þórður mælti: "Þann veg máttu (mega) mér mest upp tefla
Þórðr spoke: ‘In that way you can almost beat me at “tables” (game like draughts) (ie deprive me of what´s mine)
og að móti er það mínu skapi að slíkur óhappamaður sé hér."
and (but) my mind is against that, that such an unlucky man be (stay) here.”
En þó var Þórólfur þar um veturinn.
But nevertheless Þórólf was (stayed) there during the-winter.
Þetta spurði (spyrja) Ingjaldur er eftir bróður sinn átti (eiga) að mæla. Hann býr (búa, verb) ferð (noun) sína
Ingjaldr, who was obliged to take up the case (see mæla eptir, Z3) for his brother, learned of this. He prepares his journey
í Dali inn að áliðnum (pp from líða á, to draw to a close, see líða, Z6) vetri, setti (setja) fram ferju er hann átti (eiga) . Þeir voru tólf
inland into Dale at-the-close-of winter, set forth (launched) (the) ferry which he owned. They were twelve
saman. Þeir sigla (3rd p sg) vestan útnyrðing hvassan og lenda í Laxárósi um kveldið,
together. They sail from-the-west with a fresh north-west-wind and land in Laxáróss (Salmon-River-Mouth) during the-evening,
setja upp ferjuna en fara á Goddastaði um kveldið og koma ekki á óvart.
drew up (the) ferry (ashore) and go to Goddastaðir (Goddi’s-steads) during the-evening and came not (upon them) unawares.
Er þar tekið (taka) vel við þeim.
(It) is there taken well towards them (ie they received a hearty welcome, see taka vel við e-m, Z12).