Greenland 6 part 2 - - Grace's translation

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 9512
Date: 2008-08-04

Þorfinnur karlsefni var stórauðigur að fé og var um veturinn í Brattahlíð
með Leifi

Thorfinn karsefni was very wealthy as to money and was during the winter in
Brattahlid with Leif

Eiríkssyni. Brátt felldi hann hug til Guðríðar og bað hennar en hún veik til
Leifs svörum

Eric's son. He quickly fell in love with Gudrid and asked for her (hand)
but she deferred to Leif's answers

fyrir sig. Síðan var hún honum föstnuð og gert brúðhlaup þeirra á þeim

for her. After that she was engaged to him and their wedding was performed
for them in the winter.

Hin sama var umræða á Vínlandsför sem fyrr og fýstu menn Karlsefni mjög

At the same (time?) (there) was discussion about travel to Vinland as before
and people urged Karlsefni much for their travel

ferðar, bæði Guðríður og aðrir menn. Nú var ráðin ferð hans og réð hann sér

both Gudrid and other people. Now plans were (made) for his journey and he
recruited a crew for himself

sex tigi karla og konur fimm.

sixty men and five women.

Þann máldaga gerðu þeir Karlsefni og hásetar hans að jöfnum höndum skyldu
þeir hafa

Karsefni and they made that agreement and his crew to divide all that which
they have equally

allt það er þeir fengju til gæða. Þeir höfðu með sér alls konar fénað því að
þeir ætluðu að

which they accumulated in terms of profitable things. They had with them
all kinds of livestock because they intended to

byggja landið ef þeir mættu það. Karlsefni bað Leif húsa á Vínlandi en hann
kveðst ljá mundu húsin en gefa eigi.

settle the land if they might (do) it. Karsefni asked Leif for (his) house
in Vinland but he said of himself (he) would loan the house but not give it.

Síðan héldu þeir í haf skipinu og komu til Leifsbúða með heilu og höldnu og
báru þar upp

After that they steered the ship to sea and came to Leif's house safe and
sound (hale and hearty) and carried their hammocks up there.

húðföt sín. Þeim bar brátt í hendur mikil föng og góð því að reyður var þar
upp rekin,

Quickly a great and good catch fell to their lot, because a finner whale was
driven ashore

bæði mikil og góð, fóru til síðan og skáru hvalinn. Skorti þá eigi mat.
Fénaður gekk þar á

both large and good, afterwards (the) went to (it) and cut up the whale
(nominative??). (The) livestock went up ashore

land upp en það var brátt að graðfé varð úrigt og gerði mikið um sig. Þeir
höfðu haft með sér griðung einn.

and it was quickly that an uncastrated male became aggressive and made a lot
of noise. They had had with them one bull.

Karlsefni lét fella viðu og telgja til skips síns og lagði viðinn á bjarg
eitt til þurrkanar.

Karlsefni had wood felled to cut for? his ship and laid the wood on a
certain cliff to dry.

Þeir höfðu öll gæði af landkostum þeim er þar voru, bæði af vínberjum og
alls konar veiðum og gæðum.

They had all profitable things from their choice of land that there were,
both of grapes and all kinds of fish and game and profitable things.

Eftir þann vetur hinn fyrsta kom sumar. Þá urðu þeir varir við Skrælingja og
fór þar úr

After that the first winter came summer. Then they became wary of the
Skralings and they went forward out

skógi fram mikill flokkur manna. Þar var nær nautfé þeirra en graðungur tók
að belja og

of (the) forest as great flocks of people. (It) was there near their cattle
that the bull took to bellowing and

gjalla ákaflega hátt. En það hræddust Skrælingjar og lögðu undan með byrðar
sínar en

hollered extremely loudly. And the Skraelings became afraid of it and laid
down with that their burdens

það var grávara og safali og alls konar skinnavara og snúa til bæjar
Karlsefnis og vildu

and it was grey fur and sable fur and all kinds of fur wares and (they) turn
to Karlsefni's farmstead and wanted

þar inn í húsin en Karlsefni lét verja dyrnar. Hvorigir skildu annars mál.

(to go) into the house there but Karlsefni had the doors defended. Neither
understood the other's speech.

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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