Re: Njal #49 beginning Patricia's Translation (ef uppvíst verðr)

From: llama_nom
Message: 7956
Date: 2007-03-08

The Icelandic Online Dictionary gives the expression 'verða uppvís að
glæp' "to be exposed as a criminal". You can also have a clausal
complement: verða uppvís að því að... And yes, you're right, the
adjective would be inflected for gender. Just looking on Google now,
I came across this (Modern Icelandic):

Þór drepur smiðinn á helgum stað og þannig er hann uppvís um tvöfaldan
glæp, drepa á helgum stað og svíkja samninginn.

Thor kills the builder in a holy place and thus he is shown to have
committed a twofold crime (to be doubly guilty?), killing in a holy
place and breaking the agreement.

(Note: ON masculine nominative sg. 'víss' is simplified to 'vís' in
the modern language, so it's the same as feminine nominative singular.)

Sá sem verður uppvís að því að hafa viljandi brotið svona reglur
Whoever is found to have willingly (i.e. knowingly) broken such rules

ef hann verður uppvís að því að brjóta reglur skólans
ef he is found to have broken the rules of the school


--- In, "Patricia Wilson"
<originalpatricia@...> wrote:
> Thanks LN - the paraphrase if the evidence is established
> sounded to what passes with me for a mind - to be almost
> too like a line from CSI Miami - so I thought of if it becomes
> known would be better
> it - as the implied neuter subject that I am able to deal with
> and I thank you, in all cases I can see the fact of Stolen
> Property or "evidence of arson" but - Say If you were referring
> to a PERSON - as in If he/she were murdered - how would that
> be - would the subject then need gender I can only supppose
> that we have met something like this before-
> Then "ef uppvist verður" would look differently - but How ??
> Sorry if this seems an odd question - it is an odd person asking
> I appreciate your comment in the first place but was wondering
> how it might sound if the situation were altered
> Many thanks in the first place - and for your patience in the
> second place - after the IF you would want a subjunctive because
> the outcome is not proven fact (is that right)
> Kveðja
> Patricia
> -------Original Message-------
> From: llama_nom
> Date: 08/03/2007 17:14:44
> To:
> Subject: [norse_course] Re: Njal #49 beginning Patricia's
Translation (ef
> uppvíst verðr)
> > ef uppvíst verður.
> "if [it] becomes known". Is the implied neuter subject a clause,
> "that your property was stolen" or "that the fire was arson", or
> something like that? Or is the subject a physical object: 'það ... er
> stolið er'? MM & HP's paraphrase "if the evidence is established"
> suggests the former.
> LN

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