From: Patricia Wilson
Message: 7955
Date: 2007-03-08
Thanks LN - the paraphrase if the evidence is established
sounded to what passes with me for a mind - to be almost
too like a line from CSI Miami - so I thought of if it becomes
known would be better
it - as the implied neuter subject that I am able to deal with
and I thank you, in all cases I can see the fact of Stolen
Property or "evidence of arson" but - Say If you were referring
to a PERSON - as in If he/she were murdered - how would that
be - would the subject then need gender I can only supppose
that we have met something like this before-
Then "ef uppvist verður" would look differently - but How ??
Sorry if this seems an odd question - it is an odd person asking
I appreciate your comment in the first place but was wondering
how it might sound if the situation were altered
Many thanks in the first place - and for your patience in the
second place - after the IF you would want a subjunctive because
the outcome is not proven fact (is that right)
-------Original Message-------
From: llama_nom
Date: 08/03/2007 17:14:44
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Njal #49 beginning Patricia's Translation (ef uppvíst verðr) > ef uppvíst verður."if [it] becomes known". Is the implied neuter subject a clause, "that your property was stolen" or "that the fire was arson", or something like that? Or is the subject a physical object: 'það ... er stolið er'? MM & HP's paraphrase "if the evidence is established" suggests the former. LN | |||