--- "llama_nom" <600cell@...> wrote:
> Þór drepur smiðinn á helgum stað og þannig er hann uppvís um tvöfaldan
> glæp, drepa á helgum stað og svíkja samninginn.
This is grammatically very dubious. "Uppvís um" is hardly
correct, and the two infinitives complementing "glæp" are
barely permissible. Is this composed by a teenager?
Technically, "uppvís" is probably not what the writer
meant, "sekur" seems more appropriate here (there was
no "discovery" involved). "Tvöfaldan glæp" is a bit odd
as well. The infinitives are apparently used, because
the writer has a limited vocabulary and can't figure
out the nouns to use. For example, a slightly improved
sentence might go:
"Þór drepur smiðinn á helgum stað og þannig er hann sekur um
tvo glæpi, dráp á helgum stað og samningsrof."
Beware the Internet. They don't have grammar police out there ...