From: Patricia
Message: 5712
Date: 2005-11-19
Saell Alan,
I am beginning to see through this Thorkell Character, by the Gods he's crafty, e'en so I would have thought, a fresh bandage and a mug of mead would be a better cure for a sore toe
nú gengu þeir Sámr ok Þorbjörn ok koma í búðina.
and now
went they Sam and Thorbjorn and arrive at the booth
So Sam and Thorbjorn go down to the booth
Sváfu þar menn allir. Þeir sjá brátt, hvar Þorgeirr lá.
Asleep there men all. They see quickly where Thorgeirr is lying
The men were all asleep, and they see at once where Thorgeirr is lying
karl gekk fyrir ok fór mjök rasandi. En er hann kom at
húðfatinu, þá fell
hann á fótafjölina ok þrífr í tána, þá
er 405
vanmátta var, ok
hnykkir at sér.
Thorbjorn (the) old man went first and came to to the sleeping sack, then fell he on the footboard and grasped the toe (van-matta ? indecl adj.) sore was and jerked (it) towards him
Old Thorbjorm came to the sleeping sack, and fell upon the footboard amd grasped the sore toe and pulled/jerked it towards him
Þorgeirr vaknar við ok
hljóp upp í húðfatinu ok spurði, hverr þar fœri svá
at hlypi á fœtr mönnum, er áðr váru vanmátta.
But Thorgeirr awakes and (he) leapt up in the sack and asks
who there (in that place)
was going (about) so hurriedly trampling on the feet of people already ill
But Thorgeirr awoke, and leapt up, asking who it was trampling on the feet of people who were ill enough already
En þeim Sámi varð ekki at orði.
At this, Sam and Thorbjorn were unable to speak
Here Sam and Thorbjorn could not say
snaraði Þorkell inn í búðina ok mælti til Þorgeirs, bróður 410
Then rushes Thorkell into the Booth and speaks to Thorgeir brother his
Then Thorkell comes in to speak with his brother
eigi svá bráðr né óðr, frændi, um þetta, því at þik
mun ekki
Be not so quick to speak, kinsman, of this, this will be to you no harm
Don'y be so quick to judge kinsman, of this, it will do you no harm
mörgum teksk verr en vill, ok verðr þat
mörgum, at þá fá eigi alls gætt
jafnvel, er honum er mikit í
For many people are taken/it happens worse than (they) intend and (verðr) that many
so that then they take not (alls-as allr used as adverb) care likewise, which is to him much in mind
Many people are confronted with worse than they intend/hope amd thus they take no care because they have much in mind
þat er várkunn, frændi, at þér sé sárr fótr þinn, er
mikit mein hefir í
verit. Muntu þess mest á þér kenna.
And this is (your) excuse kinsman that to you is hurt foot thine. which great pain has been
You will be this most to know
This is your excuse Kinsman, your foot hurts, so painfully has it been you will
be the most aware of it
má 415 ok þat vera, at gömlum
manni sé eigi ósárari sonardauði sinn,
en fá engar bœtr, ok skorti hvetvetna
Now it may that be, that the old man is not less painful of -son-the-death his and ? has
in no way compensation and lacks anything what ever himself (from hvat-vetna)
now it seems the Old Man is suffering no less from the death of his son and has no compansation for it, nor has he any resources himself
hvat-vetna appears to imply he has hardly any means of a decent burial
hann þess
gørst kenna á sér, ok er þat at vánum, at sá maðr gæti eigi
vel, er mikit býr í skapi.'
He will be most fully to know (aware) this for himself and it is to be expected (?) that a man takes care not always well is much (býr/bœr) in mind
He will be constantly aware of this and it is to be expected that a man with a lot on his mind does not take care always (or at every step)
Thorkell, I am beginning to understand better now, he is a crafty Item, and he is not by any means ill-given he seems to know his way about
Thank you Alan for this opportunity of studying further
----- Original Message -----From: AThompsonSent: Friday, November 18, 2005 7:09 AMSubject: RE: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 402-419Here’s the next instalment of Hrafnkel’s Saga.
Ok nú gengu þeir Sámr ok Þorbjörn ok koma í búðina.
Sváfu þar menn allir. Þeir sjá brátt, hvar Þorgeirr lá. Þorbjörn
karl gekk fyrir ok fór mjök rasandi. En er hann kom at
húðfatinu, þá fell hann á fótafjölina ok þrífr í tána, þá er 405
vanmátta var, ok hnykkir at sér. En Þorgeirr vaknar við ok
hljóp upp í húðfatinu ok spurði, hverr þar fœri svá hrapalliga,
at hlypi á fœtr mönnum, er áðr váru vanmátta.
En þeim Sámi varð ekki at orði.
Þá snaraði Þorkell inn í búðina ok mælti til Þorgeirs, bróður 410
síns: 'Ver eigi svá bráðr né óðr, frændi, um þetta, því at þik
mun ekki saka. En mörgum teksk verr en vill, ok verðr þat
mörgum, at þá fá eigi alls gætt jafnvel, er honum er mikit í
skapi. En þat er várkunn, frændi, at þér sé sárr fótr þinn, er
mikit mein hefir í verit. Muntu þess mest á þér kenna. Nú má 415
ok þat vera, at gömlum manni sé eigi ósárari sonardauði sinn,
en fá engar bœtr, ok skorti hvetvetna sjálfr. Mun hann þess
gørst kenna á sér, ok er þat at vánum, at sá maðr gæti eigi alls
vel, er mikit býr í skapi.'
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