If Patricia is interested in tracking it down, I am
delighted to do so, love you guys to pieces you know that
Here we Go
He turned around and spoke "consider - what you can
let yourself do, even if you kill me it will be the death of you, But so long as
you are in the Town, I will never do you any harm"
He tried to talk his way out of it as well as he
Narfi Spoke, "It's true that you are
ill-disposed in every way. You're an extravagant fop you think you're a man of
great ability and power, you bring shame on many people - and now you are so
frightened you don't know what to do or how to conduct yourself.
Now prepare yourself because asking for peace will
do no good.
there I see is where your passage ends and
Grani and Narfi had a short "exchange of Blows, but Grani with the axe and Narfi
with the Spear, it was no contest, and Grani ended up very dead and under
a shallow grave.
Narfi was resolved to do as Chicken Little did when
she thought the sky was falling - he went to the King to 'fess up
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 7:25
Subject: Re: [norse_course] illa
Seems consistent with either interpretation :) -
> From Króka-Refs saga, ch. 16
> Narfi
mælti: "Það er satt," sagði hann, "að þér er alls kostar illa
> gefið.
Þú berst á meira en menn og þykist mikill fyrir þér og gerir
> mörgum
skömm en nú veistu ekki hversu þú skalt láta eða þér breyta,
> svo ertu
hræddur. Bústu svo við fyrir því að ekki mun nú tjá að
> friðmælast." [
> If you're interested in tracking this one down,
Patricia, it's a
> little past half way through the chapter, I think
(always supposing
> your translation has the same chapter
numbers...). The hero Refr,
> here in disguise and calling himself
Narfi, has just spotted one of
> the king's men, a certain ne'r-do-well
by the name of Grani, trying
> to force himself on Refr's wife.
Refr (Narfi) gives chase. When
> Grani realises he's not fast
enough to get away, he turn to face
> Refr and begs for his life.
This is Refr's (Narfi's) reply.
> Llama
> A Norse funny
farm, overrun by smart people.
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