From: Patricia
Message: 5711
Date: 2005-11-18
----- Original Message -----From: Haukur ÞorgeirssonSent: Friday, November 18, 2005 7:25 PMSubject: Re: [norse_course] illa gefitSeems consistent with either interpretation :) - Haukur
> From Króka-Refs saga, ch. 16
> Narfi mælti: "Það er satt," sagði hann, "að þér er alls kostar illa
> gefið. Þú berst á meira en menn og þykist mikill fyrir þér og gerir
> mörgum skömm en nú veistu ekki hversu þú skalt láta eða þér breyta,
> svo ertu hræddur. Bústu svo við fyrir því að ekki mun nú tjá að
> friðmælast." [ ].
> If you're interested in tracking this one down, Patricia, it's a
> little past half way through the chapter, I think (always supposing
> your translation has the same chapter numbers...). The hero Refr,
> here in disguise and calling himself Narfi, has just spotted one of
> the king's men, a certain ne'r-do-well by the name of Grani, trying
> to force himself on Refr's wife. Refr (Narfi) gives chase. When
> Grani realises he's not fast enough to get away, he turn to face
> Refr and begs for his life. This is Refr's (Narfi's) reply.
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