From: Patricia
Message: 5389
Date: 2005-06-28
Sael Alan,and it was not by any means unenjoyable I have taken copies of your comments on my work and also copied your contribution and shall read through with your copy at my right and my work at my left, eventually I shall then find that my left hand will learn what my right hand is doing in effect!!I am driven to succeed at this, and remain most enthusiastic, corrections are good and in the way I percieve them they are very clearly put and I thank you for the trouble you go toKveðjaPatricia----- Original Message -----From: AThompsonSent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:03 AMSubject: RE: [norse_course] Miscellanea Section L Subsection (i)/Feedback PatriciaSæl Patricia
Comments as usual, but I also suggest you go over my translation for further explanation. This piece was more difficult than what we have encountered previously, but I hope not so difficult as to become unenjoyable. I find that an understanding of parts of speech and inflexions is very important for reading ON poetry because very rarely can one rely on a straightforward word order to provide clues to the meaning.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Patricia
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Miscellanea Section L Subsection (i)
Saell Alan, I do not believe I did too badly stuff I put in brackets rather than guess, he has done a lot of Emk (em-ek) and Kank (kann-ek) and I am glad to have seen those, for I am still on adjectives, I shall not be on verbs and stuff till probably after you come back from that glorious holiday in Iceland
Kali var inn efniligsti maðr, meðalmaðr á vöxt, kominn vel á sik,
Kali was a [the, inn=definite article] most promising man, middle man in size and on good estate [accomplished (Gordon)]
Kali was a successful man of medium build and well set up
limaðr manna bezt, ljósjarpr á hár. Manna var hann vinsælastr
Limbs [fine-limbed, adjective masc sg agreeing with subj Kali] of men the best light chestnut in hair of men the [no article in text] most popular
a strong man, his hair of Light chestnut (/Auburn) and the most popular of men
ok atgørvimaðr meiri en vel flestir menn aðrir. Hann orti vísu þessa:
and ableman
inmore wellthat [than] most, of themother men He composed verse thisand more able (at many things)than most of the other men He composed this verse
'Tafl emk örr at efla, Tafl is a board gane suggest chess)
Tafl am I (em-ek) ( örr) [adjective = swift, keen, bold]
and strong[at efla tafl = to play Tables (Gordon)]I am a good chess plater
íþróttir kank níu,
Skills know I nine
I have nine skills
týnik trauðla rúnum,
losing [forget I = týna ek] scarcely at Runes
I seldom lose at Runes (did they play a game with Runes) [I think he means he doesn’t lose the ability/forget how to read/interpret runes]
tíð erum bók ok smíðir,
Time [tíðr, adj = usual, normal] (erum) [erum = eru mér = are to me] book and work in metal [plural, not necessarily metal]
(? write in a book) and work in metal
skríða kank á skíðum,
a landslide [skríða, verb = to slide] I know (kann-ek)
and snowski[on skis, dat plural]I know of a landslide and can snow ski ( he says he can out ski a landslide ???)
skýtk ok rœk, svát nýtir;
(skyt-ek) I skate [launch, 1 pers sg of skjóta, to shoot, push, shove, launch (a boat)] and [I] row (roa-ek) such as will serve "(he's modest)"
I can skate and Row well enough
hvártveggja kank hyggja harpslátt ok bragþáttu.
Each of these two know I (kann-ek) (Hyggia I intend or I can) [kunna hyggja = to understand (Gordon)] harp-playing and poetry
I know of these two - Harp playing and Poetry (I am a harpist and a poet)
I know what throws me off Alan it's the order of the verses, and the lines and where the words fit in
I am finding it difficult but enjoyable , please will you excuse my "Comments" I try to show I do at
least have the "gist " of it, this man is not boastful he's telling as it is
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 10:19 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Miscellanea Section L Subsection (i)
I’ve chosen Section L from Gordon´s Miscellanea for this week’s text. The text is from Orkneyinga saga, Gordon states that ‘Rögnvald was Earl of the Orkneys 1135ö58. His verses are simpler and more direct in statement than most of those composed in dróttkvætt.’ Subsections (ii) and (iii) will follow in coming weeks
Verses by Earl Rögnvald Kali
1. A Gentleman´s Accomplishments
Kali var inn efniligsti maðr, meðalmaðr á vöxt, kominn vel á sik, limaðr manna bezt, ljósjarpr á hár. Manna var hann vinsælastr ok atgørvimaðr meiri en vel flestir menn aðrir. Hann orti vísu þessa:
'Tafl emk örr at efla,
íþróttir kank níu,
týnik trauðla rúnum,
tíð erum bók ok smíðir,
skríða kank á skíðum,
skýtk ok rœk, svát nýtir;
hvártveggja kank hyggja,
harpslátt ok bragþáttu.'
A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
To escape from this funny farm try rattling off an e-mail to:
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