From: AThompson
Message: 5388
Date: 2005-06-28
Sæl Grace
Comments inserted as usual.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
Sent: Monday, 27 June 2005 9:18 AM
Subject: [norse_course] A Gentleman's Accomplishments
Verses by Earl Rögnvald Kali
(i) A Gentleman´s Accomplishments
Kali var inn efniligsti maðr, meðalmaðr á vöxt, kominn vel á sik,
Kali was the most promising man, middle sized in stature, accomplished
limaðr manna bezt, ljósjarpr á hár. Manna var hann vinsælastr ok
best limbed of men, light chestnut of hair. Of men was he most popular and
atgørvimaðr meiri en vel flestir menn aðrir. Hann orti vísu þessa:
(an) able man, more (so) than the best [‘well-(nigh) most’ rather than ‘the best’, I think] other men. He spoke [past part of yrkja = wrote, or composed] this verse:
'Tafl emk örr at efla,
I am keen to play tables,
íþróttir kank níu,
I can (boast of?) [kunna = to know] nine accomplishments,
týnik trauðla rúnum,
I rarely forget runes,
tíð erum bók ok smíðir,
(this part I didn’t understand)
book and works are time??
[tíðr, adj = usual, customary; erum = eru mér = are to me, thus literally 'usual are to me a book and works (of art/craft)'which I would paraphrase ´books and works of art are customary (and therefore dear) to me]
skríða kank á skíðum,
I can slide on skates (or skis? [yes])
skýtk ok roek, svát nýtir;
I shoot (???) [I suggest to push out, ie launch (a boat), given its placement with roa] and I row, so that (I?) have the use of [such as will serve (Gordon)]
hvártveggja kank hyggja,
which [each] of two I can understand,
harpslátt ok bragþáttu.'
playing the harp and poetry.
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.
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