Sael LN,
So the King was bad TO gold, because he gave it away, let me tell you why I find this idea hilarious, it is because in enjoying your translation, besides agreeing with it (the translation) I also agree with Gautrek's attitude to Money, having been so often told by my parents in time long past
"Why can you not save, all you spend on your books, you must hate money you throw it away" and my Reply "It's made round to go round" - so - Hail Gautrek the Good !! say I
Like Auðun I am a fortunate soul too
Patricia Who wants the translation for  "Fortunate-Woman" - the -Kona I know but I seem to have lost the word for fortunate(and I have so many people helping me thru the Syntax from Hell)
----- Original Message -----
From: llama_nom
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 2:13 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Translation Question

Right, I´ve just had some expert assistance on this one, so here's a
revised interpretation in light of that:

LINES 1 & 2.  The people thought Gautrek good, [but] bad to gold
[that is, he destroyed/wasted/diminished gold by giving it away
LINES 3 & 4.  Odin's swan got full fast.  The king was slow to fear.

--- In, "llama_nom" <600cell@...>
> --- In, Haukur Þorgeirsson
> <haukurth@...> wrote:
> > "Golli Gautrekr þótti
> > góðr illr kyni þjóðar,
> > saddr varð svanr, en hræddisk
> > seint, skjótt, konungr, Þróttar."
> I was a bit unsure about which words go with which in the first
> lines.  In particular I wondered about what is being
called 'illr'. 
> But here's my guess:
> To kin of people [tautology for people?] Gautrek seemed good
> [generous] with gold.  Odin's bad swan [raven] got full fast.  The
> king was slow to fear [understatement for he wasn't scared at all].
> Theoretically I think it could mean the opposite: raven got full
> slowly; the king was quick to fear.  But I'll bet on politeness--
> the words of Han Solo, "It's not wise to upset a wookie."
> Llama Nom

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